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Australia’s biggest annual airshow is just around the corner!
You’ll be amazed by spectacular displays of classic warbirds and vintage aircraft including the fully-restored Super Constellation and record-breaking Qantas 747. Your entry ticket now grants access to the Historical Aircraft Restortion Society aircraft that are open for inspection.

Make sure you don’t miss out on the breath-taking aerobatic displays and feast your eyes on the country’s best aircraft this May.

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Every Australian Aviation Print and Digital Membership comes with a
FREE Wings Over Illawarra 2019 Ticket


Offer Valid Until Midnight AEST Tuesday 30 April 2019


You will be contacted via email regarding your ticket, please allow 24-48 hours to receive the confirmation after subscribing.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email [email protected] or phone us at 1800 AVIATOR


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