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Boeing looks to Chinese partners for biofuels

written by WOFA | May 28, 2010

Boeing has signed an agreement with PetroChina to evaluate establishing a sustainable biofuels industry in China.

Boeing says that the project will look at all phases of sustainable aviation biofuel development including agronomy, energy inputs and outputs, life cycle emissions analysis, infrastructure and government policy support. An assessment of the economic and technical feasibility is slated to start in June and will be steered by AECOM, Honeywell’s UOP and United Technologies, while Air China and PetroChina will lead the Chinese team.

“Boeing is actively pursuing biofuel research around the world,” said Boeing China president David Wang. “Sustainable biofuels can help reduce carbon emissions while offering the potential to lessen aviation’s dependence on fossil fuels. Through these agreements China, its aviation sector and its leadership are demonstrating tremendous drive in the quest to develop a clean, sustainable aviation fuel supply.”

Boeing has joined a number of partnerships aimed at addressing issues of technical and financial viability of the biofuels industry, including the Sustainable Aviation Fuel Users Group, which includes Virgin Blue, Qantas and Air New Zealand.


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