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ACCC takes legal action over AirAsia fares

written by australianaviation.com.au | January 25, 2012

The ACC has filed legal action against AirAsia alleging the airline misled on fares. . (Les Bushell)

Australia’s consumer watchdog has filed legal action against AirAsia X, claiming the Malaysia based LCC failed to disclose the full price of international flights from Australia.

In documents filed in the Federal Court on Tuesday, the ACCC alleges the airline’s website did not include taxes and fees as part of advertised AirAsia X fares to London plus a range of destinations in Asia.

“Businesses that choose to advertise a part of the price of a particular product or service must also prominently specify a single total price,” the ACCC said in a statement.

The ACCC is seeking penalties, an injunction restraining AirAsia from “engaging in misleading conduct in the future,” and a court order forcing the airline to publish corrective notices on its website.

The move comes as AirAsia X ramps up services to Australia, launching highly touted daily flight between Kuala Lampur and Sydney.


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