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Army Tigers cleared to fly

written by australianaviation.com.au | May 30, 2012
The Army’s Tiger ARH fleet has been cleared to resume training flights. (Department of Defence)

The Army’s fleet of Tiger Armed Reconnaissance Helicopters (ARH) has resumed training flights following a two week suspension over cockpit fumes.

In a statement, Defence said the suspension was lifted following a “detailed assessment and a recommendation from the Technical Airworthiness Authority to resume flying operations.” The statement did not say whether Defence had determined the source of the fumes, which were reported by a pilot on May 16.

The Army’s fleet of 22 Tigers, based in Oakey and Darwin, is not expected to reach full operational capability (FOC) status until the end of the year. Three of the aircraft are currently undergoing a retrofit program to the latest production standard.

The Army said it planned to deploy the Tiger fleet as part of its largest annual training exercise in the Shoalwater Bay Training Area during late June and early July.


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