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Qantas launches new TV ad all about ‘you’

written by australianaviation.com.au | July 20, 2012

A screenshot from Qantas's new video clip launching its new "You're the reason we fly" campaign

Qantas has launched a new TV commercial as part of a larger advertising campaign portraying itself as a part of the fabric of the life of everyday Australians.

The commercial – You’re the Reason We Fly – features an aerial tour of “Australians going about their everyday activities” and ends with a mosaic of some 25,000 portraits forming the Qantas logo. The ad is due to hit TV screens on Sunday but is already available on YouTube.

Qantas has also posted a behind-the-scenes look at the making of the commercial, which features music by Silverchair frontman Daniel Johns in conjunction with the Australian Chamber Orchestra.

Qantas launched its social-media inspired image makeover on July 2 and has received more than 60,000 entries for the portrait mosaic. Qantas marketing manager Lewis Pullen said the airline had also selected hundreds of names that will be placed on the side of an A380 and a 737. Mr Pullen said the campaign raised $100,000 for Mission Australia on its first day.

Qantas plans to launch another new ad featuring Australian Olympians to coincide with the start of the London games.



  • Dan


    Wow not a bad add. Good job very uplifting music Daniel johns has done well with the music.

  • Clint


    Oh Dear…..
    What a boring ad. I do not understand why they dumped I still call Australia home. They could have changed the jingle a bit to that if they wanted something different. The flying kangaroo has definitely lost it’s edge

  • Dane


    wow…that was…terrible. Qantas has lost its way with its customers and now its advertising. Talk about flying the airline into the ground.

  • don


    when are they going to get rid alan joyce,what a wate of money,still call australia home,thats the Qantas australians know!

  • PTLane


    Ummmm…. Wow. Even tiger airways did a better ad than that. Why didn’t they study the kind of creative and upbeat ads the likes of Virgin Australia and Etihad have done over the past year.
    That is a minute of my life I will never get back. At this rate Virgin will be the national carrier alot faster than I think anyone ever thought….

  • Geoffrey Booth


    How can you reduce Australia and its national airline with a cliched amateur ad like this. Neither the images, the story, and the sound track come close to its predecessors in evoking the pride we have in Australians, Australia, and what QANTAS once was.

  • Nick


    Um, a little disappointing. Compare this with BA’s latest ad. (if you know a UK postcode enter it on the page). The ad shows a BA B777 taxying by many known landmarks, and will appear to go “past your house” if you enter your UK postcode. The ad is at http;//taxi.ba.com

  • Terrible


    What a waste of time. What are these people smoking???
    According to the add, we Australians believe in “openess”…. What the hell is openess????

  • Barry


    Absolutely shocking. Ads should be motivational, clean, simple and make you want to try the product. This ticks none of the boxes.
    And then you have to wait to the end of the ad to find out what the ad is for?

  • ron


    Just saw the BA add mentioned above. Love the bit where the plane taxii’s past an appartment window with a seemingly less-dressed woman inside. The kid in the window seat on the plane can’t believe his eyes, till his mother leans accross & pulls the window blind down! Classic! Very Brittish!

  • Dane


    Also just watched the BA ad. You actually get to see their aircraft unlike the QF ad.

  • ron


    In fairness though, I supposes a lot of people worked hard on the add, & did what the thought was their very best, Daniel Johns included. You can’t please everyone!

  • john ogier


    Having just completed a Singapore- London on Qantas, the relaxed and inclusive tone of this ad was a perfect match to the service on the aircraft. I really couldn’t fault it. I hope this attitude pervades throughout the airline. Nice one.

  • Keef


    What do you all mean it was a wonderful add…….for Virgin!

  • Luke


    Qantas trying to portray itself into the fabric of everyday Australians? How utterly arrogant. Another atrocious move by Qantas.

  • Colin Coupland


    Poor ad for the Qantas brand, all previous ads were simple in there message, about Australia and the Australian Airlind Qantas. This ad fills none of this, whoever is responsible should be held to account.

  • Euroflin


    I wonder will the uoinns who caused Qantas to lose $15 million per week for a long time be emulating Qantas’ attempts to woo back the customers? Don’t bother holding your breath. Union officials have already said Don’t fly Qantas . They could have said, We won’t cause any disruptions to normal flights again. We will always negotiate rather than disrupt in support of our members’ conditions. But they didn’t. They won’t. And they deserve to be condemned.

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