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Eurocopter signs MoU for Chinese completion facility

written by australianaviation.com.au | September 4, 2012
Eurocopter could esetablish an AS350 completion facility in China.

Eurocopter has signed an agreement with the Tianjin Free Trade Zone to explore the creation of a completion facility for its AS350 Ecureuil family of light helicopters in the Chinese city.

The deal for the Ecureuil completion and customisation centre was signed at a ceremony marking the completion of the 100th Airbus A320 produced at Airbus’s Tianjin facility. Airbus and Eurocopter are both owned by Euro giant EADS, which is looking to expand its footprint in China.

“The new Chinese industrial center will mark an important step for Eurocopter’s global strategy of being in close proximity to customers within key markets, while also offering tailored, flexible solutions adapted to local market requirements,” Eurocopter president Lutz Bertling said.

Eurocopter said the Tianjin facility would be designed to accommodate other helicopter models in the future.


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