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Avalon Airport goes international

written by australianaviation.com.au | October 15, 2012


A file image of Jetstar passengers disembarking at Avalon.

The Victorian state government has welcomed the federal government’s decision to declare Avalon Airport as the State’s second international airport.

Avalon Airport will now benefit from a $50 million investment by the state government for design, planning, land acquisition and preliminary construction works for a rail link to the airport, as well as a further $3 million to install a fuel line directly to the airport.

Premier, Ted Baillieu said Victoria had first proposed amendments to the Avalon Airport lease to allow international operations back in 2008.  It sees the development as a significant boost to tourism and economic development in the greater Geelong and Western Victoria regions.

The ability to offer two international airports without curfew limitations will provide Melbourne with a significant strategic advantage over other states, and potentially unblocks Avalon’s ability to attract engineering and maintenance developments by international carriers as well as dedicated freight services.


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