BCR/6 Eurocopter AS350B3 Squirrel 3409 23/12/13 Hevilift Engineering, PO Box 114 Edge Hill Qld 4870 PK-FUA I-AMVM
BQL/4 Kavanagh C-77 C77-470 21/1/14 Kavanagh Balloons Australia, 10 Marina Cl Mount Kuring-Gai NSW 2080
CEA/4 SOCATA TBM700N 850 683 16/1/14 A and C Aviation, 41 Lyndhurst St Richmond Vic 3121 N850ZD
CLE/3 Beech 58 Baron TH-1267 21/1/14 Manly Transportation, 45 Maroa Cres Allambie Heights NSW 2100 N38740
CRW/5 Dassault Falcon 7X 217 16/12/13 Brenzil, PO Box 163 Toowong Qld 4066 F-WWHD
DPC/3 Cicare CH-7B Spirit 026 24/1/14 Anthony Carmody, PO Box 218 Wurtulla Qld 4575
DSA/3 Stoddard Hamilton Sportsman GSII 2+2 7351 19/12/13 Damon Smith Productions, 295B Broughton Vale Rd Broughton Vale NSW 2535 VH-POV
ELT/2 Robinson R22 Beta II 3242 22/1/14 Heliflite, PO Box 121 Georges Hall NSW 2198 JA7967
EMZ/3 Beech 58 Baron TH-1483 22/1/14 D and G Aviation, PO Box 6004 Baulkham Hills NSW 2153 N7237X
FAB/4 Kavanagh E-140 E140-329 3/12/13 Outback Ballooning, PO Box 2702 Alice Springs NT 0871 ZK-EMB
GQC/2 Schleicher ASK 13 13394 31/10/13 Adelaide University Gliding Club, University of Adelaide Adelaide SA 5005 I-GIRI
GWS/2 Schleicher ASG 29-18 E 29549 19/12/13 Joseph Luciani, 20 Cathie St Ballarat Vic 3350 G-CKRT BGA5319
JYT/2 Robinson R44 Raven II 11720 13/12/13 Fenning Crest, 2 Japaddy St Braeside Vic 3195 XU-268 VH-HSZ
LEF/3 Canadair CL-600-2B16 Challenger 604 5577 9/12/13 Air National Australia, 55 English St Essendon Fields Vic 3041 LX-KRC OO-KRC C-FEUR N577CJ C-GLWX
LEK/2 Robinson R22 Beta II 4620 21/1/14 Heliflite, PO Box 121 Georges Hall NSW 2198 ZK-HGF
LXU/1 PA-44-180 Seminole 44-7995269 20/1/14 Moorabbin Aviation Services, 21 First Ave Moorabbin Airport Vic 3194 VH-MHO VH-LJG N2077W
MKM/3 Beech G58 Baron TH-2379 23/1/14 Corrie Vale Pastoral, PO Box 536 Mosman NSW 2088 N50779
MTD/7 Robinson R44 Raven II 13529 24/1/14 Heliflite, PO Box 121 Georges Hall NSW 2198
NJT/3 Rockwell Commander 685 12032 23/1/14 Walter Ives, PO Box 416 Jannali NSW 2226 N9199N (N16AC) N9199N
NOU/3 Cessna 501 Citation I/SP 501-0198 21/1/14 Australian Air Services, PO Box 129 Georges Hall NSW 2198 ZK-NDT ZK-NBR N800DT N198VP N500LH N500LE N105TW (N602CC) N67822
NWC/2 Eurocopter EC225LP Super Puma 2 2826 17/12/13 Bond Helicopters Australia, PO Box 37044 Winnellie NT 0821
NWG/1 Eurocopter EC225LP Super Puma 2 2879 17/12/13 Bond Helicopters Australia, PO Box 37044 Winnellie NT 0821
PNW/3 Partenavia P68C 395 24/1/14 Always Airborne, 12 McLean Ave Fairy Meadow NSW 2519 HS-EPU HS-TCL I-THAK
PSJ/2 Pitts S-1S Special 7-0356 13/1/14 Aresti, 16/41-45 Lambert St Kangaroo Point Qld 4169 N8GK
RAO/4 Robinson R66 0427 18/12/13 Ross Armstrong, “Coolibah Plains” Comet Qld 4702
RHF/4 Cessna 210M Centurion 21062012 21/1/14 Hunt Aerospace, PO Box 1244 Howard Springs NT 0835 VH-XRJ N7363M
TGN/2 Robinson R22 Beta II 4628 4/12/13 Heliflite, PO Box 121 Georges Hall NSW 2198
UZT/3 Cirrus SR20A-G3 2238 24/1/14 Trevor Steel, PO Box 152 Golden Beach Qld 4551
VMQ/1 Mooney M20J 205 24-3085 23/1/14 Edward Goodfellow, PO Box 158 Willunga SA 5172 N943BK N52742
WET/6 Rans S-7S Courier 0212573 18/12/13 Grant Farrow, PO Box 22 Riddells Creek Vic 3431
YBB/3 Agusta Bell 206A JetRanger 8138 9/12/13 Buchanan Aircraft, PO Box 593 Cooroy Qld 4563 VH-DPC 3C-JJ (Austrian Air Force)
ZBD/5 Beech G36 Bonanza E-3955 3/1/14 Malcom Tyson, 2 Cooksey Ave Harbord NSW 2096 VH-MKM N8145E
ZFK/1 Eurocopter EC225LP Super Puma 2 2792 12/12/13 Bristow Helicopters Australia, 130 Fauntleroy Ave Redcliffe WA 6104 9M-STI G-CGUC F-WWOQ
ZZV/3 PA-28RT-201 Arrow IV 28R-7918116 12/12/13 Jamos Aviation, PO Box 862 The Junction NSW 2291 N2217Z
BQL/3 GippsAero GA8 Airvan GA8-13-199 24/12/13 Exported to USA (N521AV)
FFY/2 Beech A36 Bonanza E-1583 9/12/13 Damaged at Caloundra Qld 6/9/13
HRY/1 Robinson R22 Beta 0868 9/12/13 Crashed 95km SW Springsure Qld 21/2/12
MHO/2 PA-44-180 Seminole 44-7995269 20/1/14 Reregistered VH-LXU
MKM/2 Beech G36 Bonanza E-3955 3/1/14 Reregistered VH-ZBD
MZS/1 Mooney M20J 201 24-1122 7/1/14 Damaged
NWC/2 Eurocopter EC225LP Super Puma 2 2826 14/1/14 Exported to France
NWG/1 Eurocopter EC225LP Super Puma 2 2879 14/1/14 Exported to France
PUY/2 Jabiru J400 J126 11/12/13 Transferred to RA-Aus register
SSG/4 Kavanagh D-77 KB249 17/1/14 Withdrawn from use
TZJ/2 PZL M-18A Dromader Turbine 1Z013-32 10/1/14 Crashed 32km WSW Ulladulla NSW 24/10/13
URY/2 Aerospatiale AS332L Super Puma 2053 9/12/13 Exported to Norway (LN-OAW)
WET/5 Rotorway A600 Talon T00183 17/12/13 Exported to New Zealand
XRJ/2 Cessna 210M Centurion 21062012 21/1/14 Reregistered VH-RHF
ZSA/2 Robinson R44 Raven II 10120 20/1/14 Exported to New Zealand
ALV/5 Revolution Mini 500 0383 11/12/13 Shane Robinson, 1145 Sale-Cowwarr Rd Nambrok Vic 3847
ASW/3 Air Tractor AT-502 502-0118 20/12/13 Johnaire Farming, PO Box 287 Wee Waa NSW 2388
AVE/5 Stoddard Hamilton Glasair GII-S-RG V133 1/12/13 Phillip Cvirn, 11 Talbot St Broken Hill NSW 2880
BME/2 PA-28R-180 Cherokee Arrow 28R-30524 26/12/13 Somerton Autos, 250 Brighton Rd Somerton Park SA 5044
BWI/3 Europa Classic 127/V265 30/11/13 Anthony Jordan, 18 West Minstone Rd Scottsdale Tas 7260
CAU/2 Aero Commander 560E 560E-726-51 15/11/13 Ryan Legg, PO Box 21 Howard Springs NT 0835
CGR/1 PA-28-161 Warrior II 28-7816209 13/12/13 Douglas Fuss, 4 Hargrave Ct Wallan Vic 3756
CME/3 Vans RV-9A 90990 27/11/13 Simon Turner, PO Box 2105 Port Lincoln SA 5606
CZS/4 Liberty XL2 0090 15/1/14 Gostner Aviation, 1 Foreman St Glenfield NSW 2167
DAN/5 Vans RV-8 80349/V365 9/12/13 Richard Woodward, 4 Walter Rd Ingleside NSW 2101
DZA/1 Cessna 172A 47038 5/1/14 Philip Longmire, RMB 14378 Esperance WA 6450
EBQ/4 Airbus A330-202 1198 23/1/14 Qantas Airways, 10 Bourke St Mascot NSW 2020
EKB/3 PA-24-260 Comanche C 24-4851 6/11/13 Delta Aviation Services, PO Box 163 Camden NSW 2570
EQD/2 PA-23-250 Aztec C 27-2686 6/1/14 Air Support Queensland, PO Box 1125 Archerfield Qld 4108
FBR/4 Robinson R44 Astro 0669 30/11/13 Professional Helicopter Services, 44-46 Bundora Pde Moorabbin Airport Vic 3194
FKQ/2 American Champion 8KCAB Decathlon 971-2004 18/11/13 Mark Bagshaw, PO Box 600 Moree NSW 2400
FOI/2 Agusta A119 Koala 14523 20/12/13 Surf Life Saving Western Australia, 7 Delawney St Balcatta WA 6021
FZT/1 PA-28-140 Cherokee Cruiser 28-7425263 19/12/13 Philip Jensen, 4 Brushtail Dr Tamworth NSW 2340
HBC/2 Robinson R44 Raven II 12043 31/5/13 Nautilus Aviation Heli, PO Box 1071N Cairns North Qld 4870
HJJ/3 Robinson R44 Raven II 13011 18/11/13 Creekgold, PO Box 854 Cooroy Qld 4563
HRL/2 Robinson R22 Beta II 3490 20/12/13 Channel Country Heliwork, PO Box 139 Blackall Qld 4472
HYX/4 Robinson R44 Raven I 1694 10/1/14 Heli Surveys, PO Box 38 Jindabyne NSW 2627
IAU/3 Swearingen SA226-TC Metro II TC-289 15/6/13 FIFO Jet, 16 Moreton Ave Wynnum Qld 4178
ICL/3 Cessna 208 Caravan I 20800541 16/12/13 Omni Executive, PO Box 5553 Kingston ACT 2604
JJA/3 Cirrus SR22 0559 12/12/13 David Goodfellow, 1777 Princes Hwy Buckley Vic 3240
JPP/3 Robinson R44 Raven I 1871 19/12/13 Heli Surveys, PO Box 38 Jindabyne NSW 2627
KFC/2 PA-22-108 Colt 22-8559 28/12/13 Jonathan Nash, 23 Kurrajong Cir North Lakes Qld 4509
KQD/2 Beech B200GT Super King Air 250 BY-186 21/1/14 Driscoll Investments, PO Box 239 Kedron Qld 4031
KZK/1 Beech C33 Debonair CD-985 13/11/13 Pandparc, 65 Majors Cl Wamboin NSW 2620
KZN/3 PA-44-180 Seminole 4496274 1/1/14 Melbourne Flight Training, 70 Bundora Pde Moorabbin Airport Vic 3194
LDK/1 Cessna 172RG Cutlass 172RG0992 2/12/13 Carpenter Air, Hangar 105 McNaught Rd Caboolture Qld 4510
LVM/1 Aerospatiale AS350B2 Squirrel 3150 16/12/13 Omni Executive, PO Box 5553 Kingston ACT 2604
LXM/1 Bell 206B-2 JetRanger II 2170 16/12/13 Arafura Helicopters, PO Box 4816 Alice Springs NT 0871
MHL/1 Cessna 207 Skywagon 20700059 2/12/13 Barrier Leasing, PO Box 41 Stratford Qld 4870
NGL/2 Beech B200 Super King Air BB-1059 29/11/13 Navi Group WA, PO Box 13 Welshpool WA 6986
OBP/1 Cessna U206G Stationair U20606759 16/8/13 Air Frontier, PO Box 1244 Howard Springs NT 0835
OTD/1 BAe Jetstream 3206 978 19/12/13 IAP Group Australia, 5A Jubilee Ave Warriewood NSW 2102
OTF/1 BAe Jetstream 3206 982 19/12/13 IAP Group Australia, 5A Jubilee Ave Warriewood NSW 2102
PNJ/4 Vans RV-7A 71439 10/1/14 Gerard Considine, 608/12-18 Rowlands Pl Adelaide SA 5000
PPX/2 Cessna 172R Skyhawk 17280812 11/12/13 Biantan Investments, 326 Ham Rd Wishart Qld 4122
RDY/5 Cirrus SR22-G2 1203 19/11/13 Flying Komodo, 1508 Sturt St Ballart Vic 3350
RLC/2 Aerospatiale AS355F1 Twin Squirrel 5145 7/1/14 Helistar Aviation, PO Box 2528 Regency Park SA 5942
RPE/2 Cessna 177B Cardinal 17701539 21/12/13 Fergus Lambie, 7 Lefroy Ct Carrara Qld 4211
RZY/3 Robinson R44 Raven II 10663 25/11/13 Yougawalla, Private Bag 1 Halls Creek WA 6770
SKU/2 Beech 200 Super King Air BB-165 2/12/13 Barrier Leasing, PO Box 41 Stratford Qld 4870
SXT/3 Boeing E75 Stearman 75-5624 1/12/13 Gwane Holding, PO Box 416 Pymble NSW 2073
TPY/2 Victa Airtourer 115 35 18/12/13 Barry McCrow, 1889 Sturt St Alfredton Vic 3350
TXO/1 Cessna 152 15280961 22/2/13 Moorabbin Flight Training Academy, 331 Aerodrome Rd Mangalore Vic 3663
UBJ/1 Cessna 177B Cardinal 17701618 16/12/13 WMC Air Services, 15 Rubicon Ct Collingwood Park Qld 4301
UVS/2 Cessna 172N Skyhawk 17273319 18/12/13 Avja, 31 Lilian St Stawell Vic 3380
VDK/1 Cessna 402C 402C0801 2/12/13 Davryl Holdings, PO Box 41 Stratford Qld 4870
VMT/3 Eurocopter EC120B Colibri 1619 4/12/13 Aidat, PO Box 1115 Byron Bay NSW 2481
WOG/4 Gippsland GA8-TC 320 Airvan GA8-TC 320-10-155 17/1/14 Arnhem Land Community Airlines, PO Box 1099 Cairns Qld 4870
WOP/3 Gippsland GA8-TC 320 Airvan GA8-TC 320-09-154 17/1/14 Arnhem Land Community Airlines, PO Box 1099 Cairns Qld 4870
WSA/1 Cessna 172N Skyhawk 17269299 28/11/13 Colville Aviation Services, PO Box 147 Archerfield Qld 4108
WWT/2 Robinson R44 Raven II 11977 29/11/13 GPG Helicopters, 221 Wharparilla Dr Echuca Vic 3564
XNB/2 Agusta A109S Grand 22013 17/5/13 Choppair Helicopters, PO Box 5145 Cheltenham East Vic 3192
YBM/2 Robinson R44 Raven I 2124 29/12/13 Heysen Gums, 2 Compass Rd Jandakot Airport WA 6164
YHF/2 Agusta AW139 31108 22/1/14 Careflight, Locked Bag 2002 Wentworthville NSW 2145
YOY/1 Vans RV-6A 23987 11/11/13 Gary Collins, 701 Forrest Hill Ave Albury NSW 2640
ZYO/1 Kavanagh B-350 B350-276 12/12/13 Go Wild Ballooning, 621 Maroondah Hwy Coldstream Vic 3770