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Global airport network launches innovation program for start-ups

written by Newsdesk | September 16, 2024

A group of ten leading international airport operators has formed the “Airports for Innovation” (A4I) network, launching an open innovation program to attract new solutions from start-ups worldwide.

Munich Airport has joined the initiative, which was originally established in May 2021 by Spanish airport group Aena and Aeroporti di Roma.

Dr. Jan-Henrik Andersson, Chief Commercial & Chief Security Officer at Munich Airport, said, “We are proud to be part of this valuable initiative. The promotion of innovations and start-ups that support us in the continuous improvement of the passenger experience fits perfectly with our claim to be a premium innovation hub.”

The network, which manages nearly 800 million passengers annually, aims to optimize passenger experience, introduce common technologies, and test standardizable models for the aviation industry.

Other participating airports include Dubai International Airport, Vancouver International Airport, Narita Airport, Dallas Fort Worth Airport, Athens International Airport, Oman Airports and Aéroports de la Côte d’Azur.

The program is open to start-ups founded between January 1, 2014, and December 31, 2022, with technologies and solutions that can add value to the network in four key areas: seamless travel experience, sustainable aviation, smart luggage revolution, and AI-powered airports.

Selected start-ups will have the opportunity to pilot and internationalize their solutions in real airport environments, with the requirement to test their innovation with at least two airport operators in the network.


This initiative represents a significant opportunity for young companies to contribute to the future of air travel and airport operations on a global scale.

The A4I network’s collaborative approach aims to drive innovation across the aviation industry, potentially leading to standardized solutions that could benefit airports and passengers worldwide.


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