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ICAO puts forward alternative fuels framework

written by WOFA | November 23, 2009

ICAO member countries have agreed on a global framework and implementation of alternative fuels for the aviation industry.

The Global Framework on Aviation and Alternative Fuels (GFAAF), which was adopted at a conference convened by ICAO in Rio de Janeiro between November 16-19, is a dynamic web-based document that will serve as a global platform for the sharing of information, best practices and future initiatives by ICAO member states and the air transport industry. It will be located on the ICAO website and updated continually.

“Within 10 years, 10 per cent of the fuel used by international aviation could come from sustainable alternative sources. This will not only substantially reduce the impact of aviation emissions on the environment but will also help address issues of economics and supply security,” said Raymond Benjamin, ICAO secretary general.

The GFAAF forms part of a declaration and related recommendations adopted by the Conference, which will be brought to the UN’s climate change talks scheduled in Copenhagen next month. The declaration will subsequently be presented to the ICAO’s triennial Assembly in the northern autumn of 2010.


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