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Richmond firming as second Sydney airport

written by WOFA | November 23, 2009

20080630raaf8164169_0181.JPGThe federal government appears to be set to announce that RAAF Richmond will be opened up to some commercial flights as a “temporary solution” for a second airport to serve the Sydney basin until a more permanent solution is adopted.

According to The Sydney Morning Herald, a well placed anonymous source claims that Richmond is the “most obvious” location for a second airport, but “is not a long term option”. Instead, it is claimed that support is growing within the Labor party to build an airport inland from the Central Coast, which could then be linked to Sydney with a fast train service, as a longer term solution.

The issue is expected to be a key focus when the government releases its Aviation White Paper, which is due in December. Transport Minister Anthony Albanese has already ruled out expanding Bankstown or building a new airport at Badgery’s Creek, while also ruling out lifting any of the operating restrictions on Sydney Airport to relieve congestion there.


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