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Tiger launches BNE-ROK, takes credit for low fares

written by WOFA | November 12, 2009

photo - Paul Sadler

Tiger Airways Australia has announced that it will commence Brisbane-Rockhampton services from March 28, while it has taken credit for the sustained fall in domestic airfares.

The daily services went on sale on November 12, with launch fares starting from $38, and come after the airline previously announced new services from Melbourne and Adelaide to Brisbane which will commence on the same day.

“I think this is a positive move that reflects the strong economic prospects of the region and is a vote of confidence in our well managed airport business,” said Rockhampton Regional Council Mayor Brad Carter. The council owns and operates Rockhampton Airport.

Meanwhile, Tiger Airways has also taken credit for a decline in BITRE’s domestic airfare indexes since it started operating in Australia. “More than 80 per cent of our customers travel for much less than $100,” said Steve Burns, Tiger’s commercial director. “Since Tiger Airways entered the market, air travel in Australia has never been more affordable – a ticket now costs almost one-third less than before Tiger Airways’s arrival. We’ve brought real competition to Australian air travel – and ultimately the customer is the big winner.”

Tiger commenced its first services within Australia in November 2007, and says that since its launch it has carried over 2.5 million passengers around Australia.


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