AA’s Owen Zupp’s 2010 flight around Australia is growing closer by the day with the departure date set at May 5 from Jabiru’s Bundaberg facility. Planning is at a feverish pace, though the most significant development stems from the production of the flight’s Jabiru J230D.
Just over two weeks into the process, the high-wing tourer is sitting on its own undercarriage, fresh from the spray booth. The production of the aircraft is generating a significant amount of interest with the process being digitally diarised through images on the ‘There and Back’ website. The gallery is constantly updated and displays just what is involved in producing one of the Jabiru family.
On other fronts the ability to track the flight on the internet has struck a chord with some schools while the new HD cameras have arrived to film the flight that will take in over 7000nm as it wends its way anticlockwise around Australia.
To keep informed with the latest updates and to follow the progress of the Jabiru J230D visit www.thereandback.com.au.