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AIPA takes cockpit regulations fight to Canberra

written by WOFA | May 19, 2010

photo - Airbus
photo - Airbus

The Australian and International Pilots Association (AIPA) and the International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations (IFALPA) have gone to Canberra to lobby parliamentarians against the changes to cockpit access regulations which are currently before parliament.

AIPA and IFLAPA are opposed to changes to the Australian Aviation Transport Regulations, which they claim will prevent licensed pilots from accessing the flightdeck and transfer legal liability from airlines to pilots, due to its impact on air safety and its international implications. Transport Minister Anthony Albanese said on May 17 that AIPA had been wrong in its assertions, but has not indicated that he was willing to talk with the pilots’ union.

“Pilots are willing to discuss and negotiate a sensible compromise on this issue but the Minister has now signalled he is determined to press on, irrespective of our concerns,” said AIPA president Captain Barry Jackson.

“This proposal runs counter to internationally accepted conventions that the airline as the Air Operator Certificate holder is ultimately responsible for regulatory compliance,” said international president of IFALPA Carlos Limon of Mexico. “Abandonment of this principle could have far reaching effects for aviation safety since it could allow unscrupulous operators to claim they have no responsibility for safety of operations.”

The regulations are due to take effect from May 22, but could be subject to a disallowance motion in the Senate. Similar changes were subject to a disallowance motion last year.


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