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New aviation and aerospace body launched

written by WOFA | August 31, 2010

The Victorian government has helped to fund the launch of the Australian Association of Aviation and Aerospace Industries (A4I), which it says will provide a strong, unified voice for the sector, allowing it to drive exports and jobs growth.

“We wanted to help industry improve its communication with us to ensure we are doing the best we can to promote the Victorian aviation and aerospace sectors in the global market,” said Victorian Industry and Trade Minister Jacinta Allan. “That’s why we have worked hard with industry to establish the new body, which was unanimously endorsed by a reference group of senior aviation and aerospace industry representatives.”

Boeing Aerostructures Australia’s managing director Mark Ross has been named as the chairman of A4I. The Victorian government has provided a $500,000 grant to establish A4I.

“While the A4I is a Victorian initiative, it is firmly focussed on creating a truly national entity that has the potential to deliver flow on benefits for Victoria, while also supporting the development of aviation and commercial aerospace across Australia,” added Allan.


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