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One million technical staff needed for global airline industry

written by WOFA | September 17, 2010

photo - Rob Finlayson

Boeing has forecast that over one million aircraft engineers and pilots will be required by the global airline industry over the next 20 years to support the growing fleet of airliners which will be operated over that time.

Based on its forecasts for the global airliner fleet in its latest Current Market Outlook, Boeing predicts that there will be a need for 596,500 engineers and 466,650 pilots until 2029. That will see the world’s airlines require an average of 23,300 new pilots and 30,000 new maintenance personnel per year over that period.

“When you add up all the numbers, you quickly understand the issues facing this industry,” said Roei Ganzarski, chief customer officer, Boeing Training & Flight Services. “Our challenge is adapting our training to engage the future generation of people who will fly and maintain the more than 30,000 airplanes that will be delivered by 2029.”

Most of the demand for skilled workers in the industry will come from the Asia Pacific region, which is where it is projected the biggest market for airliners will be over the next 20 years. The region will require 180,600 pilots and 220,000 technicians, a large portion of which will be required in China.

“To accommodate this growing demand, it will be vital to match training with the learning styles of students to come,” Ganzarski said. During the recent Asia Pacific Aviation Training Symposium in Kuala Lumpur, Ganzarski called for changes to current training methodologies. “As an industry, we need to adapt to the learning styles of tomorrow’s technologically savvy pilots and mechanics, and ensuring that training is globally accessible, adaptable to individual needs and competency based.”


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