Skywest has announced that it will start services from Perth to Ravensthorpe as well as add jets to its Perth-Geraldton services.
Subject to regulatory approval, Skywest will start four times weekly services between Perth and Ravensthorpe from November 15, with the flights operating on a Perth-Esperance-Ravensthorpe-Perth routing. Currently, Ravensthrope only receives charter flights on behalf of FQM Nickel which operates a nickel mine near the town.
Skywest has also announced that it will upgrade some of its services between Perth and Geraldton to be operated by Fokker 100 jets once security screening arrangements are put in place at Geraldton. The airline has also announced plans to start services between Geraldton to Melbourne via Kalgoorlie and the opening of a call centre in Geraldton to support the growth of the town into an aviation hub servicing the northwest.