Sydney Airport has joined AirAsia X in its campaign for the Malaysian government to grant it rights to fly from Kuala Lumpur to Sydney.
The airline recently took the step of painting one of its aircraft with a message calling for the Malaysian government to “liberate Sydney” and end the monopoly that Malaysia Airlines enjoys on the Kuala Lumpur-Sydney route.
“This is an important principle that Sydney Airport supports. Consumer preference should guide the development of the international aviation market and airlines should be able to operate services in line with passenger demand,” said Sydney Airport CEO Russell Balding. “AirAsia X services from Sydney to Malaysia will provide another choice for passengers to consider and evaluate on price and service.”
AirAsia X currently flies multiple times each week to Perth, Melbourne and the Gold Coast, with the airline increasing frequencies to those ports over the last year as a direct result of it not being able to get access to Sydney.