Boeing has announced the successful completion of the first engine runs for its 747-8 Intercontinental, a key milestone in preparing the aircraft for first flight.
Engine runs began at 11:57 hours local time on Tuesday, lasting approximately two hours and 45 minutes. During initial engine runs, engines were started and operated at various power settings to ensure all systems perform as expected. Engine testing began with the Auxiliary Power System (APS) providing power to start the first of four General Electric GEnx-2B engines. The remaining three engines were started using the cross-bleed function.
Basic systems checks continued throughout the test, with all four engines powered down and inspected, after which they will be restarted following a technical review. The test team also completed a vibration check and monitored the shutdown logic to ensure each engine functioned as expected.
Boeing vice president and general manager of the 747 program, Elizabeth Lund, said that both the “integrated airplane systems and engines performed as expected”. “This result allows us to continue moving forward to first flight.”