Current Deputy Chief of Air Force AVM Geoff Brown will be the new Chief of Air Force (CAF) from July 1, with current CAF AIRMSHL Mark Binskin moving across to become Vice Chief of the Defence Force (VCDF), as part of changes to the senior leadership of the ADF announced today that will also see current VCDF LTGEN David Hurley promoted to replace the retiring ACM Angus Houston as Chief of the Defence Force.
“Air Vice-Marshal Geoff Brown has extensive flying experience on helicopters, F-111 and F/A-18 aircraft,” notes a joint statement issued by Prime Minister Julia Gillard and Defence Minister Stephen Smith. “Air Vice-Marshal Brown has commanded at all levels of the Air Force, including as the Commander Air Combat Group. During Australia’s 2003 contribution to the war in Iraq, he commanded all F/A-18 and C‑130 operations in Operation Iraqi Freedom.”
A former CO of 3SQN, AVM Brown served as Director General Capability Planning in Air Force Headquarters before he was appointed as DCAF from June 30 2008.
Other changes see RADM Ray Griggs appointed to become Chief of Navy, with MAJGEN David Morrison to become Chief of Army.