Tiger Airways has announced it is suspending four routes – Melbourne-Mackay and Melbourne-Rockhampton and Brisbane-Sydney and Sydney-Sunshine Coast – from August 1 to “simplify its Australian flying program” so that it can “focus on restoring the punctuality of its operation”.
Tiger says its Melborne to Mackay and Rockhampton flights have been hit by rising oil prices and the recent Queensland natural disasters, while it says not having crew bases in NSW and Queensland has meant “operating punctual flights between Brisbane-Sydney and Sydney-Sunshine Coast has proved more challenging than anticipated”.
“These network changes will both streamline and simplify our Australian operations, enabling us to focus on combining our low fares with improved punctuality,” said Crawford Rix, CEO of Tiger Airways Australia. “The changes that we are making to our flying program will enable as to improve punctuality across our network and we are hopeful that as we grow the airline we will be able to restore services on the affected routes in the near future.”
The route suspensions came only a day after Tiger announced it was shifting some flights from Avalon to Melbourne Airport.