Airbus’s latest Global Market Forecast predicts worldwide demand for 27,800 airliners (above 100-seats) worth $3.5 trillion over the next 20 years, more than a third of which (34 per cent) will be needed in the Asia-Pacific.
That demand will see the global airliner fleet more than double from 15,000 today to 31,500 by 2020, with only 10,500 of the 27,800 new aircraft required for replacement of older aircraft, with the remainder needed for forecast airline traffic and freight growth.
Airbus forecasts demand for 1781 aircraft in the 400+ seat very large aircraft category, worth US$600 billion; 6900 new 250-400 seat widebody aircraft (including freighters) worth US$1.5 trillion; and nearly 19,200 single aisle airliners worth US$1.4 trillion.
“The aviation sector is an essential element for today’s global economy which is why more people than ever need and want to fly,” Airbus COO customers John Leahy said.