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Inquiries into East Sale and Albatross upgrades

written by WOFA | September 28, 2011

A Sea King is towed out of A Hangar at HMAS Alabatross. (Dept of Defence)

The federal parliament’s Public Works Committee (PWC) is conducting inquiries into the redevelopment of HMAS Albatross in NSW, and RAAF East Sale in Victoria.

Both bases are due to receive extensive redevelopments to support the introduction and service of new capabilities in the next decade.

Albatross will see new training helicopters based there as part of the Project Air 9000 Phase 7 Helicopter Aircrew Training System (HATS) for Army and Navy, and the new MH-60R Romeo naval combat helicopter under Air 9000 Phase 8. “The HMAS Albatross redevelopment project aims to undertake works to facilities, infrastructure and engineering services that require replacement, refurbishment and upgrading to meet the air station’s projected operational and support capabilities for the next 30 years,” the committee’s chair Janelle Saffin MP said in a statement. “The Committee will scrutinise Defence’s proposal carefully to ensure the proposed works are fit for purpose and offer value for money.”

RAAF East Sale has been mooted as the new home of the new Air 5428 fixed wing Pilot Training System (PTS) in addition to its existing tenants which include the School of Air Warfare (SAW), 32SQN and the Central Flying School (CFS).

“Defence identifies RAAF Base East Sale as an enduring training base which will be utilised by Defence for the foreseeable future,” Saffin said. “The Committee will review Defence’s proposal to determine whether the project will likely meet this need, whilst representing value for money”.

The Committee will be holding a public hearing on the proposed redevelopment at HMAS Albatross on Tuesday November 8 in Nowra, and on the proposed redevelopment at RAAF Base in East Sale on Friday November 25. Full details on the proposals are available on the Committee’s website.


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