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New TWU strike action for Friday

written by WOFA | September 26, 2011
Qantas tails.

The Transport Workers Union (TWU) has called fresh industrial action against Qantas for this Friday, with 3800 baggage handlers, ground staff and other employees to go on strike for one hour, with negotiations over a new enterprise bargaining agreement stalled.

A further 50 TWU delegates will also hold a two hour stop work meeting on Thursday.

Qantas says it is assessing the impact the actions will have on its flight schedules, and is evaluating contingency measures to “minimise impacts on passengers”.

“This is one of our busiest weekends of the year with tens of thousands of people travelling around Australia for the football and for the school holidays on Friday alone,” Qantas group executive Olivia Worth said. “The union knows this and they are trying to cause maximum disruptions to passengers.”


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