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Qantas details cancelled flights

written by WOFA | October 17, 2011

Qantas has cancelled 110 flights for the week. (Seth Jaworski)

Qantas has detailed plans to operate almost 400 fewer domestic flights – capacity equivalent to around 60,000 seats – over the next month as industrial action by its engineers takes effect on its backlog of maintenance work.

Qantas says that the cumulative effect of industrial action by ALAEA members, including work stoppages, a ban on overtime and a ‘go-slow’ is forcing it to take five aircraft out of its fleet to maintain on time performance and reliability, despite the ALAEA saying it will not hold any further work stoppages at least until Christmas.

“While we welcome the temporary postponement of some strike action, the most damaging industrial action is still in place and still causing an increasing backlog of maintenance on our fleet,” Qantas group executive, government & corporate affairs Olivia Wirth said.

“[ALAEA federal secretary] Mr Purvinas knows that his token offer to suspend a few one hour strikes and a stop work meeting in Adelaide will not help get these five grounded aircraft back up in the air.”

Qantas has revealed it has cancelled 110 flights for this week (October 17-13), all trunk route domestic services. Many are Sydney-Melbourne and Sydney-Brisbane flights, with some flights to Adelaide and Perth also cancelled.

Qantas says that from today one Boeing 737 will be parked at Avalon, a further two will go on a weekly rotation through Avalon over the next month, and a 767 will be parked at Brisbane.


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