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Anonymous attacks Boeing.com

written by australianaviation.com.au | April 12, 2012
Boeing has weathered an Anonymous cyber-attack over its support for US web security legislation.

The “hacktivist” group Anonymous has taken responsibility for a large-scale cyberattack on Boeing’s website in what the group described as retaliation over Boeing support for proposed US cybersecurity legislation.

Boeing’s website was down for several hours on Tuesday afternoon US time but has since gone back online. The company has declined to comment on the incident.

Anonymous announced the attack via its Twitter feed as part of a campaign against the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), a bill that would enable private companies and the government to more easily share cybersecurity intelligence.

Boeing is among some 30 major US companies that have written to the US House of Representatives in support of the bill. Other supporters include Lockheed Martin, Microsoft, Intel, Facebook, IBM and AT&T.


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