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Virgin reveals new A330 interiors

written by WOFA | April 26, 2012

VH-XFD in Toulouse.

Virgin Australia has revealed product details of its new build Airbus A330-200s, two of which are being delivered to the airline with a third to follow later in the year.

The three new A330-200s, which will join the two existing A330-200 acquired secondhand, will be used predominantly for transcontinental services between Sydney and Melbourne and Perth, and are being configured with 24 lie-flat business class seats (set at six abreast) and 255 economy class seats, with seat back AVOD (audio video on demand) IFE with iPod connectivity and in-seat power in both classes.

The A330's business class.

The first new build A330, VH-XFC ferried into Melbourne earlier this month, while sistership VH-XFD Bells Beach was handed over in Toulouse this week and is expected to arrive in Sydney tomorrow morning. (VH-XFD’s delivery flight can be tracked here.)

The A330s will enter service from May 15, and Virgin Australia says they “will form an important part of the business class end-to-end customer experience that includes kerbside valet parking, lounge access, award-winning inflight entertainment and gourmet dining”.

“We are focused on becoming Australia’s airline of choice and key to that is creating a consistent experience of relaxation and comfort across all of our aircraft, complemented by the best of service,”  Virgin Australia chief executive officer John Borghetti said in a statement.

Economy class with seat-back AVOD IFE.

“These new Airbus 330 aircraft will be the flagship of our domestic fleet, providing business and leisure travellers with the kind of experience that is valued on longer flights.”




  • Dan


    When does Brisbane get a dedicated A330 for Perth flights. 737’s just feel to cramped for a 5-6 Hr flight.

  • Mike borgelt


    A330s have a horrible interior. Not a patch on the 767. The A330 side walls are curving in on you. Another piece of Eurocrap.



    Can anyone tell us, will the existing A330-200’s be refitted with the updated interiors and entertainment?

  • Simon


    Qantas is already the airline of choice and will smash Virgin on Sydney-Melbourne. Better service better staff better schedule. Why does Virgin bother? By moving to business airline they have only allowed Jetstar to become a bigger leisure carrier and Qantas to squeeze Virgin out altogether. Bad move.

  • Lee


    Because Simon, our planes engines don’t fall off an our cabin crew aren’t 80 year old’s who won’t let go of their contracts. Virgin is moving forward in leaps and bounds, I know this being an FA at Virgin. Virgin has done some great things under Borghetti and there are some amazing things to come. And ps, after flying Qantas a few times, domestic an intl, I can say without a doubt that even tiger has better service than Qantas. Fly Virgin!!

  • NJP


    Clearly all the negative comments are written by QF employees!! Brand new A330’s v aged 767’s is a no-brainer. The only reason the 767’s are still there is because the 787’s are so late -even QF would have scrapped them if they could

  • Dan


    Hi Lee

    Being a Virgin Employee when is your boss going to give Brisbane a A330? I travel regulary between Perth-Brisbane and although Qantas still have the clappy old 767 they have some form of IFE.

    March on in there to BORGHETTI’s office and say hey Chief,Skipper,Big Cheese read this, we need on of these new A330’s for Brisbane.

    Ps The engine didn’t fall buddy, just the cowling and that was Rolls Royce’s fault.

  • prutten82


    Why all the fuss…….it’s only an Airbus!!!!

  • Dan


    Hi prutten82

    Take a 737 or A320 on a 5-6 hr flight. I know I can’t hold onto a toilet break for that long. Try then dodging around the foot cart’s and staff and make your way down the isle. Atleast with a A330 or 767 you have a dual Isle to use

    Plus i’ve had bad Virgin inflight service as well as Jetstar and Qantas. I guess we all have our bad work days.

  • Mark


    Virgin have re-invented themselves in so many ways since John Borghetti took the reigns. There is still a lot of work to do and it is impossible to please all of the people all of the time. Improvements and changes will take time and we have to be patient and remember that this industry changes all the time, so anything can happen.

    There are always going to be people who prefer airline A over B for whatever reason, it’s been that way for many years and still will be but I’d say Virgin are doing something right to have increased their market share and rising. It’s about the whole guest experience and employee engagement.

  • James


    Simon – seriously, when VA announce a profit double that of QF, I’m pretty sure it’s the opposite picture. With the soon to be launched Asian sector along with increased wide body operations along with infrastructure improvements I think AJ has alot to worry about!

  • Cooper



    Now I’m not biased at all.

    I commute from Brisbane regularly to Sydney, Melbourne and Perth. I’m not sure where you are getting the hole Qantas has better service than Virgin. I was a platinum member for years with qantas and never got a thankyou or anything from their “fantastic” staff. However the moment virgin offered a premium service they panicked and are now on their knees. That is not good enough.

    Qantas has arrogant staff whilst virgin has fresh friendly staff with fantastic customer service.

    My guess is they couldn’t compete with Jetstar because they weren’t prepared to screw their staff over like Jetstar does. The amount
    of dodgy things Jetstar has done I don’t understand why they haven’t been grounded yet.

    Bravo to the staff at Virgin you are doing a fantastic job. Your lounges are some of the best I have seen in the world and your customer service IS the best I have seen.

    My guess Simon is that you are ignorant…. Or you are a Qantas employee. Probably the latter.

  • whatthe


    sorry to say it … QF’s loss of Borgetti is coming back to haunt us.
    Give me a Italian/Australian with a goal to build a airline over a Irishman with out a clue !

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