A new support centre for Eurcopter’s growing business in Western Australias has been opened in Perth, in what the manufacturer sees as a major boost to the off-shore oil and gas industry.
More than 25 17/19-seat Puma helicopters are in operation in the state providing supply and passenger airlift support to resource industries.
Located at Canning Vale between Perth and Jandakot airports, the new office, training, maintenance and warehousing facilities will be managed by local Eurocopter subsidiary Australian Aerospace.
Eurocopter’s, senior vice president for sales and customer relations Olivier Lambert said: “the Perth support facility will benefit all local Eurocopter customers. The Western Australia Police, for example, has been operating Eurocopter aircraft in the community for more than 25 years and recently added a new AS365N3+ to the fleet. Eurocopter is set to deliver an EC130T2 to Perth, the first to be delivered in Australia-Pacific.”