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Beginning of the end for Qantas Roller 767s

written by WOFA | December 11, 2012
VH-ZXB heads for Roswell, New Mexico after being retired from the Qantas fleet. (Damien Aiello)

Looking rather well used, former Qantas 767-300ER VH-ZXB departed Sydney on December 11 bound for Roswell, New Mexico, where it will go into storage.

ZXB was delivered to Qantas on the airline’s 80th anniversary on November 16, 2000, initially on lease from British Airways at the height of commercial and operational co-operation between the two airlines. It is the first of the seven Rolls-Royce RB211 powered 767s in the Qantas fleet to be retired. Qantas subsequently purchased all seven 767s from BA outright.


  • Mark Pettitt


    Look out for the Permagard rejuvenated 767’s which are being rolled out as we speak. The majority of the
    fleet’s exterior paint is being restored as close to new and protected with Permagards waterless wash advanced polymer coating. These aircraft will not be painted again until end of life or returned back to lessor as the coating will protect for ten years. The work is carried out by Permagard’s aviation division in Brisbane. Have a look:


    The Permagard Team.

  • Anon


    Buy an ad

  • Anon 2


    ^^Agreed, buy an ad mark

  • Jace


    Doesnt she look old!

  • Steve


    Roswell?? Isn’t that where the alien spaceship landed decades ago??

  • PeterL


    Cheap skate Mark, buy an add!

  • Brendan


    Mark, for $30000 for the treatment to a 767, it should be good, hopefully your paying your workers well considering there working outside in the summer heat.
    By the way? Buy an ad

  • Anon


    Sorry AA – didn’t mean my throw away comment to turn into a “me too” sledging of Permagard and detract from the story…

  • John Harrison


    Indeed goodbye old friend, I’ve flown on ZXB a few times mainly PER – East Coast and return, They were always different the RR Powered B767-336’s The way they were set up inside, was different.
    Thanks RR and Boeing.

  • Ron


    Mark @ Permagard: It’s lipstick on a pig. The 767’s should have already been replaced by 787’s, & failing that, brand new leased A330’s.

    To the 767’s, I guess we should say thankyou for your service. QF certainly got their milage out of them. Say hi to the Caribous for me.

  • Ron


    Wasn’t there talk of setting up a boneyard in the Northern Territory? How fitting it would be for Qantas to make the first donation….

  • Brendan


    Ron, just quietly, the 330’s will never get to the same age as the 767’s have. They will fall to bits long before that.
    Just think. The a330’s that are going to be transferred back to Qantas from jetstar are going to be close to there tenth birthday & they are already causing headaches. Poor Qantas

  • pez


    For Sale; 1999 Toyota Corolla, low milage, one lady owner – wait, what do you mean this is the wrong site for that?? 🙂

    I love the 767s, my first ever flight was a 767. Such a ‘meaty’ looking thing, sad to see the old girls go.

  • Mark


    OK OK….ill get an advert next time…..where the Christmas Spirt fellas?

  • Mark


    I meant Spirit!

  • Robin Hall


    Ron, yes you are right, but it is more that talk and the facility should see its first aircraft on site early in 2013.

  • Robin Hall


    Ron, yes you are right, but it is more than talk and the facility should see its first aircraft on site early in 2013.

  • Ron


    It’s probably a good thing that the A330’s wont live as long as the QF B767’s. The 767’s weren’t supposed to live that long either!!!

    By the way, in the spirit of shameless self-promotion, I’ve started my own blog to vent my aviation rants. It’s called the Centre for Realistic Aviation Perceptions, or CRAP for short. Yeah, you can see I take myself seriously. I’ve only posted one blog so far, but I’ll get there. Come visit http://www.aviationcrap.blogspot.com.au.

    Sorry AA, I’ll buy an ad next time too….

  • Taurean Lea


    I would love it when VH-ZXB gets a new operator, rather than being scrapped. I just want to congratulate VH-ZXB on it’s retirement after 12 years of service with Qantas. I will miss VH-ZXB so much : – (

  • 767flyer


    The Refreshed 76’s are much better than the old interiors. Guys stop being so darn negative and be happy that something is being done!

  • sanchez


    The term “Polished Turd” rings a bell……

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