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American Airlines relaunches

written by WOFA | January 18, 2013

Red, white and blue continue to fly patriotically on AA's new flagship 777-300ER. (American)

Key Qantas partner American Airlines has revealed new corporate colours which will replace the airline’s iconic polished aluminium ‘Silverbird’ look first debuted in 1968.

“It’s a new year and a fresh new look for American Airlines” said the announcement that revealed the airline’s rebranding, which was developed with brand consultancy FutureBrand.

“The unveiling of the new logo and livery is the latest step forward in American’s ongoing journey toward building a more modern travel experience for its customers,” the announcement claimed, coinciding with the airline’s imminent emergence from bankruptcy protection restructuring.

“Our new logo and livery are designed to reflect the passion for progress and the soaring spirit, which is uniquely American,” said American’s chief commercial officer Virasb Vahidi. “Our core colours – red, white and blue – have been updated to reflect a more vibrant and welcoming spirit. The new tail, with stripes flying proudly, is a bold reflection of American’s origin and name. And our new flight symbol, an updated eagle, incorporates the many icons that people have come to associate with American, including the ‘A’ and the star.”

The polished aluminium finish on American Airlines aircraft will be replaced with a silver mica paint scheme, necessary due to the increasing use of carbon fibre composites in new aircraft, especially the 787. American has firm orders for 42 and options on 58 787s.

This year American Airlines will take delivery of 60 aircraft including the 777-300ER, which will support the airline’s ambitious international growth plans announced last year. The airline has been resisting merger overtures from US Airways.




  • Steven


    Seriously Awesome

  • Observer


    Looks CRAP!!!!!

  • Mark Ferraretto


    Absolute rubbish

  • Jed


    Very modern. I love it

  • Peter


    A very sleek and modern livery…..Welcome to the future American Airlines.

  • DB


    It’s going to take a lot more than a paint job to “refresh” AA. I flew with them 3 time in he past week …. service is as ordinary as ever, seats are worn and aircraft interiors look shabby, same as always – comparable to jetstar – but jetstar seats and service are better.

    I do hope hat they update the uniforms. You would think making staff the focus rather than the pint job would be a good start.

    Thankfully in Australia we have quality domestic carriers

  • DB


    Pls pardon the typos

  • Jed


    DB I would agree. I flew with American three weeks ago and the seats were so uncomfortable. However unlike other times the staff were very helpful. Flew Virgin America on the way back and cannot fault them.

    I think American are on the right track to improving their product

  • NJP


    Looks like a hybrid Aeroflot logo on the tail – hope the Americans weren’t spying on the Russians when they designed/copied this

  • Nicholas Roche


    This is going to take a while to get use to. Looks a little over the top.

  • Eric


    The livery looks great, but im not so sure about the height that the plane is flying above the mountains…

  • tony


    looks like USAir’s logo!

  • Anna


    If AA’s new design is patriotic, why is the American flag reduced to an abstraction that is beyond recognition? All I can say is that the new design is completely lacking the tasteful elegance of the old, and screams commercialism in a new toy sort of way.

  • Peter


    Now if only they could do something about the 50+ hosties and their obnoxious attitude to the paying customers on their flights (even in First Class), that would be a winner. I must admit, the polished aluminium (or is it aluminum??) gives the best reflectivity of the heat compared to any paint system. I usually travel with AA due to company contracts into Arizona and New Mexico and the heat is already a huge issue on the tarmac.

  • Michael Anderson


    Eagles are NOT uniquely American.

    Typical sepos, claiming everything great must be American.

    Take a look at yourselves sepos. Chinese own your debt.

    Soon all cars/planes etc. will be made in China only as dictated by your new bosses.

  • DP


    Interesting new livery. Would love to have seen a return to the look from the 50’s & 60’s when the 707 “Astrojet” was first introduced. That was the best looking livery of any airline, ever.

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