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F-22 to fly at Avalon

written by WOFA | January 23, 2013
The F-22 Raptor will be among a sizeable contingent of USAF aircraft on display at Avalon. (USAF)

The USAF has confirmed the F-22 Raptor will conduct its first ever aerial display at the Australian International Airshow in February-March.

The F-22 will be flown by F-22 Raptor Aerial Demonstration Team Chief Major Henry ‘Schadow’ Schantz from Langley Air Force Base, Virginia.

“This is a really special aircraft and it was so exciting to get it to Avalon in 2011,” Airshow CEO Ian Honnery said. “This time however the USAF is able to show off the aircraft’s amazing capability with flying demonstrations.”

The USAF will bring two F-22s to Avalon, one for the flight display and one which will be on static display. A USAF F-16 and C-17 will also take part in the flying display at Avalon.


  • paul davis


    22s arrive on the 22nd feb.

  • Raymond


    Drat, that was some momentary excitement before a let-down! No Russian Knights? Now that would have been something different and spectacular!

    Maybe 2015 – or are dreams free?

  • paul davis


    16s b 52 arriving same day as the raptors.rhinos practice up at amberley on the 18th- 22nd feb.no times yet.

  • paul davis


    anyone there.

  • paul davis


    rhino practce times,18-22nd 1pm everyday.4 ship practice times 20-23 everyday at Amberley.

  • Ryan


    I wonder if they leave their test pilot back in America again. Nice looking jet but it was a waste to bring them here from Alaska via Japan to here for the 2011 show. The first time I went it was great plenty of different aircraft and the 2011 show was the worst. If I had my choice of Airshows this year Warbirds Down Under at Temora would take the cake.

  • paul davis


    demo f 22 pilot is at avalon now ryan.he is a very nice guy.Dont go then mate.

  • Raymond


    Ryan – if you read the article mate, it would be clear that the F-22 is performing an aerial display at Avalon (for the first time). In 2011, the USAF didn’t have an F-22 display pilot available to send here; obviously this time they do.

  • scoti


    I have been to every Avalon Airshow .
    I’m flying in again on Saturday .

    And YES 2011 was the worst one I’ve attended .
    IMHO its just the same stuff ,not much from overseas air-forces ,,bring back those Russians and lets see something different .

    Even the Temora shows were getting to be all the same old stuff again and again .
    Their new format also dosnt interest me ..

    Wing walking and little aircraft doing aerobatics ,,,,nah not for me .

    When you look at the Poms and the Yanks airshow line ups and then ours ….we realise how far away we are from the rest of the World ..and I do like that

  • Raymond


    So what did everyone think of the Avalon F-22 display?

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