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Gulfstream G150 fleet leaders reach 10,000hrs

written by WOFA | February 22, 2013
The G150 fleet has reached 130,000 flight hours, with two reaching 10,000 hours. (Gulfstream)

Gulfstream Aerospace has celebrated a milestone for its mid-sized G150 aircraft, with two of the 100-strong global fleet reaching 10,000 flight hours. The milestone was reached without incident in five years.

“We are very pleased that the G150 has been such a reliable workhorse for our customers,” said Larry Flynn, Gulfstream president.

“The two G150s that lead the fleet continue to demonstrate the superior dispatch reliability and availability rates that our company takes great pride in. To reach 10,000 flight hours in just five years means these aircraft have flown an average of more than 83 hours a month. To pull those flight hours off takes a fine-tuned effort from the operator and our product support organization.”

The fleet has accumulated more than 130,000 flight hours and made more than 90,000 landings. The G150 has an availability rate of 91.96 per cent and a dispatch reliability rate of 99.83 per cent.


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