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Bell’s new 407GX to tour

written by WOFA | July 24, 2013
Touring Australia - the new Bell 407GX

The latest generation of the popular Bell 407 range – the 407GX – will visit Australia in August on a demonstration tour spanning the continent before heading to Singapore for further demonstrations in Asia.

Bell-appointed dealer for the region, Hawker Pacific is leading the 407GX’s inaugural visit. The company’s Tony Jones said the new helicopter’s Garmin G1000H glass cockpit is a world-first for a helicopter.

“Mission flexibility is incredibly important for the Australian helicopter sector and the 407GX is a perfect fit for the market. From a utility perspective, the aircraft is frequently used for aeromedical transport, law enforcement, firefighting/sling work, military, mining and exploration support and more. We expect utility demand to remain strong in Australia, bolstered by the resources sector.”

The Bell 407 is powered by a Rolls-Royce 250-C47B which offers improved hot and high performance and the ability to cruise at 133kt.


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