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Boeing forecasts need for one million additional pilots and technicians

written by WOFA | September 2, 2013

Demand for pilots and technicians will be greatest in Asia Pacific, though longer-term demand for technicians will slow as aircraft become more reliable. (Boeing)

Boeing projects the commercial aviation industry will need more than one million new pilots and technicians to support demand created by new aircraft deliveries over the next two decades.

Boeing’s 2013 Pilot and Technician Outlook indicates that by 2032 the world will require need 498,000 new commercial airline pilots and 556,000 additional commercial airline maintenance technicians.

The highest demand is in the Asia Pacific region, which globally is the fastest growing region and within the next two decades will account for more than a third of all air travel.

Compared to last year’s report, the 2013 outlook projects significant increases in pilot demand in all regions except Europe, which declined slightly over last year’s outlook. Overall, the demand is driven by steadily increasing airplane deliveries, particularly single-aisle airplanes, and represents a global requirement for about 25,000 new pilots annually.

Global demand for technicians remains significant, at approximately 28,000 new technicians required annually. However, the introduction of more efficient and smarter aircraft will require fewer maintainers over time, as ageing aircraft, which typically require more maintenance, are retired from service.

Projected demand for new pilots and technicians by global region:

  • Asia Pacific – 192,300 pilots and 215,300 technicians
  • Europe – 99,700 pilots and 108,200 technicians
  • North America – 85,700 pilots and 97,900 technicians
  • Latin America – 48,600 pilots and 47,600 technicians
  • Middle East – 40,000 pilots and 53,100 technicians
  • Africa – 16,500 pilots and 15,900 technicians
  • Russia and CIS – 15,200 pilots and 18,000 technicians


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