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Boeing & Lockheed Martin team for new USAF bomber

written by WOFA | October 28, 2013

Concept rendition of the new USAF bomber. (Boeing)
Concept rendition of the new USAF bomber. (Boeing)

Boeing and Lockheed Martin will team to compete for the USAF’s long-range strike bomber program, with Boeing acting as the prime contractor and Lockheed Martin as the primary team-mate.

Boeing and Lockheed Martin have previously partnered on the F-22 program, and the two companies had earlier teamed for the US bomber program, before cancelling that arrangement in 2010 while awaiting a better understanding of the project’s future.

Boeing’s Dennis Muilenburg said: “Stable planning, along with efficient and affordable development and production approaches, enables our team to reduce development risk by leveraging mature technologies and integrating existing systems.”

Few details of the bomber project are known publicly, other than a requirement for 80 to 100 aircraft and service entry in the mid-2020s.

Boeing’s extensive bomber heritage includes building the B-52 and, as Rockwell, the B-1B, while Lockheed Martin is prime contractor for the Joint Strike Fighter program (which it won ahead of Boeing).

Northrop Grumman, builder of the B-2 Spirit, is also likely to bid for the program.




  • Raymond


    Looks like an evolved B-2… and wouldn’t be surprised if the stated requirement for 80 – 100 aircraft ends up being only ~20, just like the B-2 as well…

  • paul davis


    What a stunning beast it is.Northrop are kings of the black world,and they will play a big part in the program.Will be tested at Groom no doubt.A RAAF roundel would look even better on it.I better book my ticket to Nevada soon.Anyone want too come?

  • Dane


    I wonder if any of the proposals put forward will be unmanned.

    Also, the USAF might be looking at moving to a single fleet of long range bombers and retiring 3 ageing and expensive to operate types.

  • Rudy Hillinga


    Here we go again, the US Defense Industry always ready to invent another mousetrap,
    to obsolete the one produced earlier in order to do what? Defend the nation against
    an attack from an enemy which does NOT and DID NOT exist!
    The B-52 and B-1 bombers did NOT do so, the A-bomb DID so mounted on ICBM’s,
    because THEY prevented either side from using the ultimate weapon, or end up with
    TOTAL and MUTUAL destruction if ever used!
    So why is the US Government now requesting Tenders for a new Bomber?
    The US Defense Industry, in cahoots with the US Government, pulling a hood over the
    eyes of the US public by creating a non-existing threat, just to create more defense
    dollars and thus more money for the Companies involved and it’s shareholders!
    What a shame and what a scandal!

  • Rudy Hillinga


    I strongly believe, that the US Defense Industry has and always will, invent new threats to our nation in order to make money on a new weapon.
    This latest request for a new Strategic Bomber is a good example of whatI am trying to highlight!

    since we had a mutual standoff between us and the Soviets, in terms of mutual ICBM capability, the B-52
    bombers became obsolete, so why build a replacement a/p for them?

  • Spencer Ferrier


    Another Dreadnought, Lord Fisher?

  • John N


    Rudy, I assume you are obviously not a fan of the US long range bomber fleet?

    Apart from their nuclear role, have you forgotten their long range ‘conventional’ bombing capabilities?

    Have you forgotten their ‘conventional’ roles in Vietnam, and more recently in The Gulf Wars and Afghanistan too?

    Dane, I don’t believe this particular aircraft (whatever it turns out to be) is intended to replace ‘all’ the US long range bombing fleet, B-1, B-2 and B-52.

    The Long Range Strike Bomber program is an evolution of a project known as the ‘2018 Bomber’ which was supposed to be a medium bomber, it is more than likely that it will supplement and eventually replace the B-1, which I believe is due out of service around 2030.

    The B-52 is not due for retirement till around the early 2040’s and there is another project known as the ‘2037 Bomber’, this is intended to be the heavy bomber that will replace the B-52’s.

    I haven’t read anything specifically regarding an eventual B-2 replacement, but potentially the ‘2037 Bomber’ could be a candidate for it too.

    Pretty amazing to think that the ‘youngest’ B-52 will be close to 80 years old when they eventually retire!


    John N

  • Andrew McLaughlin


    Dane – I believe the requirement is for the LRS-B to be “optionally manned”.

  • paul davis


    Rudy, everything ok mate?are you posting from China or Russia?Wow you really have some issues with the US mate.

  • paul davis


    RUDY,your greenpeace statements don’t bode too well with me.

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