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‘Avgeeks’ uncovered in planned documentary

written by WOFA | November 28, 2013

From a different perspective - Photographer Steven Pam is looking to produce a documentary on aviation enthusiasts.
From a different perspective – Photographer Steven Pam is looking to produce a documentary on aviation enthusiasts.

In a refreshing break from today’s cut and thrust of commercial aviation politics, Melbourne professional photographer and self-confessed casual planespotter Steven Pam is on a mission to find out what turns ordinary people into obsessive aviation enthusiasts.

“A lot of my ‘normal’ friends think it’s strange that I look up and point whenever an aeroplane flies past, but just about anyone who’s a regular at airshows is exactly the same,” Pam said. “It got me thinking… what turns ordinary people into avgeeks? Is it in our DNA, or it something about those first encounters with the magic of flight that is addictive, in certain circumstances?”

Pam plans to shoot an independent documentary at next year’s EAA Airventure event in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, featuring some of the characters he meets at the week-long festival of flight. Airventure attracts upwards of half a million people, some of whom have been going for forty years or more.

Pam is financing the project with crowd-funding platform Kickstarter, which recently opened to Australian-based projects. Rewards for backers range from pre-sales of the completed movie for $15, up to an executive producer credit at $5,000. Backers’ credit cards are only charged if the funding goal of $14,500 is met by December 23.

More information is available at  www.airheadsdocumentary.com


  • Ray Davis


    I feel your pain Steven.
    I live in a house hold where the only “Avgeek” in the house, is me.
    They just don’t seem to get it. I mean how amazing is it to have someone shape a piece of metal into such a way that hundreds flock to Airshows around the world and see the amazing frets of aerobatics performed
    The great thing is knowing that we are not alone out there, as you will soon discover.
    Best of luck in your quest and I look forward to seeing your documentary.

  • Steven Pam


    Thanks Ray. I’m well aware we’re not alone… but outside of an airshow we’re still seen as “strange”.
    You know exactly what I’m talking about – that thing where you’re with a group of “normal” people outdoors, and suddenly you manage to stop all conversation by thrusting your arm skywards: “aeroplane!!”.

    Great piece, Ron! I think maybe we were separated at birth. Although I don’t go for the God thing, and *have* managed to clock up a few hours at the controls (never soloed, though).

    Thanks Grant. I’ll do my best!

  • Martin


    Should be a great and funny documentary Steven.

    I dash to a window in the office if I hear a helicopter flying past (my particular variation on AvGeek) but try to be discreet if possible. At home, I don’t have to worry, I can dash out into the yard without feeling embarrassed… the family know my weakness… even if it is just Southcare flying over yet again…

    All the best with the project.

  • Dave Tonks


    G’day Steven, looking forward to the results of your endeavours, although I have to say that anybody who attempts to cure me of my affliction is in for one hell of a fight…

    Would you believe: seven years in Army Aviation (Aircraft Handler), skydiving, radio control aircraft (still into that in a big way), hot air ballooning (Crew Chief), paragliding, flight simulation (have been regular contributor for Australian Flying and Aviator magazines, currently writing for Australian Pilot), and my current great love, my wonderful little Drifter ultralight…which btw I can also ‘fly’ on my home simulator!

    Did I mention the app on my phone that gives the details of any commercial aircraft flying overhead (or anywhere in the world for that matter) ?



  • David


    If airports provided better facilities for Avgeeks.We would even pay to do so. I went down Syd Airport to learn how to use my new camera, after thinking it would be a good place to learn. Also Avgeeks are a free security by here presents with there camera’s deters crime and terrorism. As so many overseas airports have come to realize So many people showed me how to use my camera to the full. I now go down every chance I get- I’m single that makes possible :).

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