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RAAF airshow announced to commemorate the Centenary of Military Aviation

written by WOFA | December 6, 2013

The Bristol Boxkite replica aircraft will star at the airshow.
The Bristol Boxkite replica aircraft will star at the airshow.

To celebrate the centenary of military aviation in Australia, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister for Defence, Darren Chester and Deputy Chief of Air Force, Air Vice-Marshal Leo Davies have launched the Centenary of Military Aviation Airshow to be held at Point Cook, RAAF Williams, near Melbourne on March 1.

“The first of March 2014 will be the 100th anniversary of the first military flight in Australia when Lieutenant Eric Harrison, originally from Castlemaine and an aviation instructor with the Central Flying School, took off in a Bristol Boxkite here at the spiritual home of the Air Force, Point Cook,” Chester said.

The airshow will see the official unveiling of a newly built replica of a Bristol Boxkite aeroplane, the type which made the first flight of a military aircraft in Australia. The replica was built by the RAAF Museum at Point Cook and has completed its flight testing after a successful first flight on September 11 this year.

The airshow will also see flying displays and static exhibits of historic and contemporary military aircraft.

“We have chosen the theme of Tradition, Innovation and Evolution for the event to reinforce the extraordinary journey of military aviation from hand built aircraft like the Boxkite to the complex and powerful military aircraft of today,” Air Vice-Marshal Davies said.

The Centenary of Military Aviation Air Show will be held over March 1–2  2014 at RAAF Williams in Point Cook, Victoria. Tickets and more details about the airshow are available at: www.airforce.gov.au/airshows.


  • paul davis


    Anyone know where the heavies will operating from?Avalon,East Sale?

  • adammudhen


    Great!! Can’t wait. @Paul Davies, not sure, but Avalon seems a likely spot. However, some may just come from their home base. The AP-3s usually do for Avalon.

  • stephenT


    The best advertising and recruiting platform the Air force have. Disappointing that it is such a long time between drinks for Richmond.

  • Dane


    The general population around Richmond complain every time a C-5 takes off on a Sunday so that’s why they don’t hold air shows there often

  • Andrew McLaughlin


    The ADF air shows are shared between the main bases of Richmond, Amberley, Pearce, Williamtown, Edinburgh & Townsville. It’s nothing to do with people complaining etc, and that’s why it’s such a “long time between drinks”.

  • Dave


    Will this be the only RAAF airshow held this year?

  • Allan


    Would love to know when Richmond is due next!

  • Dave


    Sorry, next year.

  • Andrew McLaughlin


    Point Cook IS the ADF air show in 2014. The rotation isn’t published in advance, and isn’t necessarily done in a set order.

  • paul davis


    Hi Andrew,have you heard anything about the Rhino demo yet?is it a 4 ship or single demo?US DEMO TEAMS will be back on next year i heard.I know they wont be coming,but has anyone else heard this too?

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