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CASA’s McCormick to step down

written by WOFA | February 14, 2014
John McCormick
John McCormick

Controversial CASA boss John McCormick will be standing down at the end of August.

In a statement released late Friday afternoon, CASA board chairman Dr Allan Hawk said McCormick decided not to seek a further term of appointment as CASA director of aviation safety, but that he has agreed to the board’s request to stay on in the role until August 31.

“This will allow for an executive search process to fill the position and enable the Director to assist the board’s initial consideration of the government’s Independent Review of Aviation Safety Regulation scheduled to be completed around the end of May,” Dr Hawke’s statement read.

“Mr McCormick’s leadership over the last five years has been the critical factor behind the significant improvements to Australia’s aviation safety regulatory regime and CASA’s performance.”

CASA’s McCormick to step down Comment

  • flyingoz


    The finish of Mr. McCormick has been welcomed by sections of the industry and follows a very devastating Senate Inquiry, released in May 2013.

    The following is just one section of the Senate report:

    7.11 Given evidence on the lack of analysis of systemic issues in the ATSB investigation report, as outlined in previous chapters, the committee questions the plausibility of the statement above. On the weight of evidence reviewed, the committee questions CASA’s motivation in withholding the Chambers Report from the ATSB.

    7.12 This leads the committee to conclude that CASA may have breached section 24 of the TSI Act by withholding the document. To ensure that any appropriate action is taken, the committee will write to the Australian Federal Police, providing a copy of this report and supporting evidence for review.

    Committee view

    7.13 Irrespective of how highly either agency head is inclined to speak on the public record when describing the ATSB/CASA relationship, this inquiry exposed not only a predilection by CASA to withhold information when it suited them, but also a willingness to engage the ATSB both formally and informally in ways that have not
    always been transparent. In both regards, CASA’s actions have influenced the conduct of the ATSB investigation to the detriment of aviation safety. Based on the documentation available to the committee, it appears that the two agencies have placed maintaining the veneer of a productive working relationship ahead of public safety.

    These findings are most significant in the development of a confident aviation industry – one confident in the regulator [CASA], which is not the current situation.

    The following gives an idea of the depth of feeling within the industry in the AAAA Submission – Aviation Safety Regulation Review [ASRR]

    Public Submissions: http://vocasupport.com/election/regulatory-review-2013/asrr-submissions/

    At page 6, the AAAA says:

    The cynicism demonstrated by CASA in attempting to manipulate the consultation process to simply approve CASA’s preferred position has been further highlighted in recent years by the gradual withdrawal of industry support for structures such as the Standards Consultative Committee. While many industry organisations, including AAAA, continue to attend various committees, reviews and working parties, it is on the understanding that input is likely to result in no changes from the CASA position. The debacle that is the maintenance licencing system is clear evidence of these types of outcomes.

    The real outcome required is to do away with the current mess instigated by CASA and immediately bring in the US-FAR’s or the NZ version.

    This will re-vitalise aviation in Australia.

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