Two more MH-60R Seahawk Romeos have left Lockheed Martin’s Owego facility on delivery to NUSQN725 at NAS Jacksonville in Florida.
The two new aircraft join the first two which were delivered to Jacksonville last December.
NUSQN725 is currently training on the Romeo alongside US Navy units before returning to Australia to be based at HMAS Albatross near Nowra and to be commissioned later this year.
The unit is certainly enthused to be receiving the Romeo, if these comments by 725SQN CO Commander Dave Frost are any guide: “The first time we pack a punch now using the Hellfire missile that we’ve never had before. It’s been a capability gap that we’re now going to be able to fill with this aircraft. It’s an aircraft that’s jam-packed with sensors the likes of which we’ve never seen and the US Navy are still coming to grips with. It’s an incredible aircraft.”