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Sydney observation deck to close

written by WOFA | February 20, 2014
Views like this from Sydney Airport's T1 Observation Deck will soon no longer be available. (Seth Jaworski)
Views like this from Sydney Airport’s T1 Observation Deck will soon no longer be available. (Seth Jaworski)

Sydney Airport has confirmed its outdoor observation deck at the northern end of the T1 international terminal will close.

The deck, a popular area for spotters and travellers to watch and photograph aircraft taking off and landing with the city’s skyline in the background, has been earmarked by the airport for “a range of potential uses,” an airport spokesman told Australian Business Traveller.

“Sydney Airport understands that the deck is popular with the aviation community,” the spokesman said. “The decision to close the observation deck was not taken lightly and we are currently reviewing other options that would enable a unique experience overlooking the runway.”


  • Observer


    I hear a whole lot of spotters saying BULL$%#@!!!! Of course it was an easy decision, why would you spend money on something that doesn’t generate income in return. I love how SACL try to convince us that in effect, they are considerate of the local aviation community. Since when does money or making it and consideration of others by big corporations ever go hand in hand.

    I don’t mind the deck being closed but come on SACL don’t play us for fools we know why your doing it, just be honest.

    Can’t wait for Badgerys Creek to get up and running, because that is where I’ll be spotting!

  • BG


    Doesn’t SACL have right of refusal over Sydney’s second airport? Don’t expect an observation deck there either…

  • david


    dont worry about guys Melbourne airport closed they observation deck the day after sep 11 on ground of safety

  • Razza


    Perth may be a bit slow in terms building infrastructure but at least we have the observation deck at T1 and the purpose built viewing area on Dunreath Road

  • Josh


    As far as I know, no one has ever attacked an aircraft from a spotters observation deck in Australia. you’d have a better chance sitting by a fence line on the perimeter. I doubt this is about security, it’s about money. My money’s on this marketable space being turned into a rooftop bar or something similar in the near future. Admission by fee and/or membership.

  • Paul T


    “A unique experience over looking the runway” Hmm that means standing in the grass looking through a chainwire fence! Is clearly about the income they can make. As for safety Josh is right – Its all just spin!!

  • Rodney Marinkovic


    Airport is not airport without observation deck! Not many of over hundred I have visited do have not that place for spotters and visitors in general. To people who really like airports and aircrafts. Level no. eight of car park is not proper place on Sydney International Terminal. Common KSA, you can be more mercy to your people. People with patience for world of aviation. In hope for happy end about spotters place, greeting from Belgrade. Till my landing at KSA in may. Rodney. .

    • australianaviation.com.au


      To be fair to Sydney, they have kept places like Shep’s Mound, the 25 threshold, Foreshore Drive and the Old Tower beach open and accessible to spotters, notwithstanding the sometimes over-zealous contract security that get nervous if you get too close to the fence. I think Sydney still provides more photography and spotting opportunities than most international airports.

  • Simon Gilmore


    Another silly decision. Tokyo has always had two excellent open air decks at Narita -before and after 9/11. Another anti-public, anti- spotting move by airport management. Nothing to do with security.

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