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AAA releases NSW regional inquiry submission

written by WOFA | March 27, 2014

The AAA has released its submission to the NSW Govt's parliamentary inquiry into regional aviation services. (Phil Vabre)
The AAA has released its submission to the NSW Govt’s parliamentary inquiry into regional aviation services. (Phil Vabre)

The Australian Airports Association has released its submission to the NSW parliamentary inquiry into regional aviation services.

In the submission, the AAA says there are “significant financial and regulatory burdens on regional airports due to the disproportionate burden these airports carry for legislated costs such as terminal charges, aviation rescue and firefighting services, aviation security and safety compliance.”

It also highlights access to major funding for the majority of regional airports as an issue, saying it is “difficult and expensive in a highly volatile and changing economic environment.”

As part of its submission, the AA has called upon the NSW government to require all airlines pay all fees related to regional airport access in a timely manner and that this be included in licence agreements terms of operation on regional routes; that the government commissions the development of a NSW Aviation Strategy; and that the NSW and Federal Governments work to reduce the cost of regulatory compliance for regional airports.

The AAA’s full submission may be viewed at http://www.parliament.nsw.gov.au/Prod/Parlment/committee.nsf/0/3dc02d1c376cb2dbca257ca50019128c/$FILE/0030%20Australian%20Airports%20Association.pdf


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