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Air Force launches new general purpose uniform

written by WOFA | March 5, 2014
RAAF members display the current  range of uniforms, including the newly launched General Purpose Uniform.
RAAF members display the current range of uniforms, including the newly launched general purpose uniform.

The RAAF has used the Centenary of Military Aviation airshow on the weekend to launch its new general purpose uniform (GPU).

The dark blue and grey uniform will be worn by personnel for general base duties and for “non-warlike” operations like disaster relief and humanitarian assistance tasks.

“The purpose of the GPU is to provide a unique and easily identifiable Air Force presence to the Australian Defence and civilian communities, consistent with the Air Force’s distinctive identity and still effective in meeting our service requirements,” Chief of Air Force Air Marshal Geoff Brown said.

Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Geoff Brown and Warrant Officer of the Air Force, Mark Pentreath in the new Air Force general purpose uniform.
Chief of Air Force, Air Marshal Geoff Brown and Warrant Officer of the Air Force, Mark Pentreath in the new Air Force general purpose uniform.

Air Force personnel will continue to wear the current disruptive pattern camouflage uniform for warlike operations. All RAAF personnel are expected to be issued with a mix of the new general purpose and disruptive pattern uniforms by the end of 2015.


  • James


    What are they smoking? Looks atrocious!

  • Allan


    At least you can now tell the difference between Air Force and Army personnel. Especially around joint bases.

  • Brian


    The new GPU looks smart! I think the colour scheme is very appropriate for the RAAF. Good choice. All the best.

  • Brendan


    Whatever it was must have been good. How much money are they wasting on the blue camouflage? Looks like it will be really good for hiding near some blue trees or blue bushes. Maybe there will be able to hide near some blue buildings? In their spare time they could get jobs as clowns with the addition of a red nose. Maybe they could forgot the blue clown suits and spend the money they save on the 8 planes that cost $4 Billion dollars?

  • Mark


    Gucci cammo! RAAF waisting more tax dollars

  • random


    This just gives the RAAF a cam dress of the day instead of poly uniforms – which are hopelessly non-functional in most situations other than at a desk. It also aligns them with the other services that both have cam dress of the day.

  • jeff


    If Holsworthy bks terror plot/incident is to go by RAAFIES will be the first to go.

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