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BNE releases draft master plan for comment

written by WOFA | March 31, 2014

The BNE draft master plan shows the new runway, terminals, business precincts, and ground transport plans for the future. (BAC)
The BNE draft master plan shows the new runway, terminals, business precincts, and ground transport plans for the future. (BAC)

Brisbane Airport Corporation (BAC) has released its Preliminary Draft Master Plan for the future development of the airport for public comment.

Brisbane Airport says the plan, which encompasses up to $2.5 billion of investment in the airport’s infrastructure over the next two decades, would ensure airport planning addresses industry demand and growth, while focusing on achieving a balance between economic development, sound environmental management and sustainability.

“We have looked at the 2,700 hectares that encompasses Brisbane Airport to see where we can best plan for the future. Whether it’s a bike path, new road or terminal expansion, every aspect is addressed within the Master Plan,” BAC CEO and managing director Julieanne Alroe said. “While the Master Plan is the blueprint for development to meet future demand, it also forms the platform for BAC’s ongoing contribution to the local, state and national economy over coming decades and we welcome input from our community about these plans.”

The plan provides for annual passenger movements to more than double to 48 million by 2034; for airfield and terminal expansion including the second parallel runway to the northwest of the current main runway; for commercial development of five business sub-precincts; for airspace protection and aircraft noise management; and a ground transport plan.

The Preliminary Draft Master Plan is available to view online here.

BNE releases draft master plan for comment Comment

  • Mrs Alyssa Baker



    We (our Family, our relatives and our friends), firmly believe you should also be building an
    OBSERVATION DECK, with FREE parking.
    There is lot of us, who really like to watch the planes land and take off (for some people it is their hobby). Our daughter who wants to be a flight attendant (and is hoping to do the Aviation Australia Course next year), really enjoys going out to see them, and so do many others (You only have to go to the end – closest to runway, of Acacia Street and see how many people park there to watch the planes coming in (and the only reason why some people move on is because there is not enough parking spaces). There is plenty of vacant land there (Acacia Street or even at the runway end of Vitex Street) to build an observation deck with parking. A lot of people were up in arms when you stopped them from parking on the side of the road to watch the planes (understandably for safety reasons), but surely you could take them into consideration, by catering for them also, so they can watch their loved ones either arriving or leaving, as a lot of them can’t afford the parking fares.
    We really hope you will give this idea some very serious consideration.
    Kind Regards

    Alyssa Baker

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