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F-35 confirmed for UK airshow season

written by WOFA | April 17, 2014

The F-35 will make its international airshow debut at RIAT & Farnborough in July. (JSF PO)
The F-35 will make its international airshow debut at RIAT & Farnborough in July. (JSF PO)

The UK MoD has confirmed a Lockheed Martin F-35 will make its first overseas airshow visit this year when one visits the Royal International Air Tattoo (RIAT) from 11-13 July and the Farnborough Airshow from 14-20 July.

Approval for the airshow displays was given after high level talks between UK Defence Secretary Philip Hammond and his US counterpart, Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel.

“The US and the UK have worked closely together on the F-35 project from the beginning,” Defence Secretary Philip Hammond said in a statement. “We are the only country that is a first tier partner in the project, which is sustaining tens of thousands of jobs in the UK. This fifth generation stealth combat aircraft will be a major boost to British combat air power and it is entirely fitting that the F-35’s first stop outside the United States will be in the UK.”

The statement did not say what model of F-35 would appear, although it is likely it will be an F-35B STOVL variant as this is the model the UK is buying.

Lockheed Martin said in a brief statement: “We are excited by this announcement and look forward to a very successful international debut for the F-35 at the RIAT and Farnborough air shows!”


  • Raymond


    Will it be static or actually perform an air display?

    Next stop Avalon in 2015? 🙂

  • paul davis


    probaly static Raymond.No 35 for Avalon and that is confirmed.

    • australianaviation.com.au


      Who said it was static Paul? And who said there won’t be one at Avalon?

  • Tim Cheney


    The jets will be on the static (at the moment) for the RIAT and one will be flying at Franborough International.

  • Dane


    They way I read the article, I would assume it’s going to fly some sort of a display. Security will be tight around the jet one would figure.

  • paul davis


    Sorry Andrew,it will be flying at both shows(if they don’t have any hiccups with it) and yes,there won’t be at Avalon.

  • paul davis


    Andrew,were you at LOCKMART in Dec last year?I think they said it was highly unlikely for the 35 to come out to Avalon next year.

    • australianaviation.com.au


      Paul, no I wasn’t, but I am in regular contact with Lockheed and RAAF/DMO/NACC staff on the program.
      Regardless, any decisions on whether an F-35 will come to Avalon will be made much closer to the event, and will no doubt take into account any political issues which may or may not be in play at that time, as well as progress on the flight test program.

  • paul davis


    i fully agree Andrew.

  • matt


    Surely with today’s announcement an F35 visit to Avalon is warranted.

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