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First production JASSM-ER missiles delivered

written by WOFA | April 10, 2014
A test JASSM-ER round being launched from a B-1B. (USAF)
A test JASSM-ER round being launched from a B-1B. (USAF)

The USAF has taken delivery of the first production lot of Lockheed Martin JASSM-ER missiles.

The JASSM-ER is a longer range version of the 400km range JASSM which is in service with the USAF and RAAF. Using the same mould line as the JASSM the –ER has a repackaged warhead and engine module which allows more fuel to be carried. It will be initially be integrated with the B-1B Lancer bomber, and can fly up to 1,000km to a highly defended target autonomously.

“The initial delivery of the extended range variant of JASSM gives the combatant commander the ability to reach far deeper into contested areas with lethal precision,” MajGen Scott Jansson, the USAF program executive officer for Weapons and Armament said in a statement.

The USAF has plans to integrate the JASSM-ER onto the B-52H, F-15E and F-16C/D.


  • Allan


    If we follow the lead of the USAF and also acquire the ER version will that then give us the deep precision strike capability we lost with the withdrawal of the mighty pig?

  • Raymond


    I would be very surprised if the RAAF DIDN’T acquire the ER version. After all, part of the argument for replacing the F-111 with the F/A-18F’s was that we’d have effective AAR and long-range precision weapons to compensate… and anyway, it’s far better to be able to stand off 1000km from the target and fire one of these then have to get in closer with a long-range F-111 using munitions with a range of only 80 or 150km.

    Assuming the USN doesn’t integrate the JASSM-ER onto the Super Hornet, then we would obviously need to do that testing ourselves first, as we do.

    • australianaviation.com.au


      The ADF will be acquiring a precision long-range anti-ship missile as part of the F-35 project. One of the weapons being looked at will likely be the LRASM version on the JASSM-ER.
      I doubt after the JASSM/classic Hornet experience we would want to go down the path of doing a platform/weapon integration on our own again.

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