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AA remembers former editor Julian Green

written by WOFA | May 9, 2014

Julian Green has joined Australian Aviation as editor.
Julian Green

Australian Aviation staff and contributors are fondly remembering former editor Julian Green, who died peacefully on Thursday morning, aged 49.

Julian had been diagnosed with cancer late last year. For much of the time since he had been staying with his wife Kristina with her family in the Basque Country in the north of Spain.

Julian joined the team at Australian Aviation as Editor in September 2012, having returned to Australia from the UK where he was CEO of Jersey Airport for more than six years. Prior to working in the UK, Julian was CEO of Newcastle Airport between 2001 and 2005, and previously held management roles with Sydney Airports Corporation and Qantas. Julian had been a contributor to Australian Aviation in the ’90s, specialising in commercial aviation stories and photography, a role he had relished returning to.

“Let’s remember Julian with his naughty smile and the special brightness that was in his eyes,” Kristina reflected.

That’s certainly how all of us at Australian Aviation are remembering Julian. More than a colleague, he was a great friend and mentor to us all.

Julian is survived by Kristina, his father Richard and three children Harrison, Tom and Lauren.




  • Jim Thorn


    My first contact with Julian was way back in the late eighties when he phoned with an idea for a story. Like me two decades earlier he was an unknown nervously cold calling an editor in the hope that his story idea might find favour. It did and the rest was history as they say. Over the decades at AA I was always so thankful, proud and grateful that we were able to assemble such a knowledgble and professional team of experts in our writing cadre and Julian without doubt was one of the best. In fact, if he hadn’t landed a litany of significantly important jobs within the aviation industry I would have suggested he join me at AA. I didn’t get the chance but years later Gerard did and wisely so. When he told me that Julian was coming aboard as editor I thought that was great news. Sad to say the association was so brief and his loss will also be a loss for aviation journalism both here and abroad. He will always be remembered by all of us.
    Jim Thorn

  • Andrew McLaughlin


    Very sad – a great guy and a really astute and insightful writer. RIP



  • Raymond


    Condolences to the family and the AA team.

  • Paul Sadler


    You know what, just this morning I stumbled across a picture I took of Julian at the launch of Jetstar’s first flight from Newcastle to Melbourne a decade ago back in May 2004. I gave his image a silent prayer and an uplifting smile before moving on to the next image. Five hours later, I was reading of his passing in an email from Gerard.

I briefly met Julian in his role at Sydney Airport where I admired his photography, particularly given the airside access he had. I vividly remember some of his Compass (MkI) A300 pics he took for AA. They were great pics.

    I then met Julian on several occasions while he was CEO of Newcastle Airport and, more recently, as editor of AA. With everything else in between, what a career he had – some would only dream of.

    Julian had a strong stature, a genuine smile, a calm nature – he was a gentleman’s gentleman.

    Australia’s aviation industry is such a close-knit community, and there ain’t too many people that stand out as much as Julian did with whom you’d be more than happy to share a beer or seven with.

    The passing of Julian is a sad loss of life and so young too.

    We, as an industry, are grateful to have had Julian’s presence and influence. May he rest in peace. And may many more people like Julian influence aviation in Australia.

    Cheers to Julian.

    Paul Sadler

  • Graham Smith


    Very sad, I didn’t know Julian Green but I enjoyed his work over many years. RIP.

  • GlenCBR


    Dear AA – I regret that I never had the pleasure of meeting this man. All contributions above seem to indicate he was a well liked and highly respected member of the aviation community.
    However, having been personally affected by cancer, I do donate to cancer research when I can. I just wanted to suggest that you might like to consider Julian and his family and make a profit percentage of your next edition to – cancer research – a trust on his behalf – or, if funds permit, even an “annual'(?) award in his honour for the greatest Australian contribution to the industry (aviation/ aviation journalism/ aviation research or industry achievement)
    Every cancer patient in Australia would appreciate the contribution not matter how humble.

    • australianaviation.com.au



      Thanks for your thoughts and your suggestion.

      But I can assure you Gerard and the AA team already contributes money, sponsorship and their time to a number of aviation and non aviation-related causes already.



  • Jeremy William


    I was that person Jim speaks of cold calling Julian two decades later to ask for assistance with my thesis. He proved a valuable mentor – his guidance, passion and eagerness to impart knowledge of this industry was invaluable in getting me through. He was a great guy, and a truly insightful writer. May he rest in peace.

  • Bob Bell


    It saddens me to learn of Julian’s passing. Far too young at 49. My prayers to his family.

  • Ted Porter


    From all of us in the Airbus Group global media team, please accept our sincere condolences for the loss of your colleague and friend, Julian Green. Our industry has lost a fine journalist, passionate advocate and a great human being.

  • John Roach


    Julian came and did work experience with us at Air new Zealand, Sydney Airport ( can’t recall the date as it was some time ago) and I have followed his career since as I was impressed with his approach and attitude.
    My condolences to his family he will certainly be missed in the aviation world as well.

  • Eric Allen


    I first met Julian about 20 years ago. He had a great knowledge of all aviation matters and was also a real enthusiast. A memorable event he engineered was a flight in VH-EAG in 1999 on a lovely pristine day around Sydney – it was just typical of Julian to arrange something like that. When he joined AA recently as editor I knew it was the perfect role for him. I am very sad to learn of his passing and my thoughts go to his family.

  • Steve Riley


    Condolences to Julian,s family and friends. The Aviation fraternity will miss him.

  • Greg Ferguson


    Very sad – too, too young. Condolences to Kristina and the family and all of Julian’s workmates from everybody at Aerospace Australia Limited (AirShows DownUnder).

  • Melissa Thomson


    Julian commenced at Qantas Corporate Communications (Public Affairs in those days) a week before I did back in 1996. He would drag me around the Jetbase showing me all kinds of aeroplane things and meeting some very interesting engineering types. We worked on a lot of different projects together and taught me a great deal. When he left Qantas we remained in contact throughout his career at Sydney and Newcastle Airports. It was a lovely surprise to reconnect last year when he came to Australian Aviation. It is so sad to hear of his passing at such a young age. He will be missed.

  • Geoff


    I first meet Julian when SACL put him in charge of the new common user terminal ( Virgin and Impulse ) at Mascot airport. He was also instrumental in the Sydney Airport open days. I think we had 3 or 4 of them in the mid to late 1990,s RIP mate.

  • Rohan Garnett


    I first met Julian over 30 years ago – introduced by aviation afficiado Mike Clayton. He was the great photographer, a bit aloof (which I later came to admire as his gentle personality) and I was the very young enthusiast wanting to learn from the big kids. Fast forward to our time together at Qantas, the flight to the outback to visit the Qantas museum and hall of fame. Well organised without fuss by Julian – rather typical of his style. I took along my new girlfriend who would later become my wife, best friend, soulmate and mother our wonderful children. Fast forward then another 10 years to setting up Jetstar and Julian at Newcastle Airport as CEO. I remember introducing him to Alan Joyce who seemed surprised we knew each other. Julian’s casual reply ‘Rohan knows everyone’ did amazing things for my career! Julian was always the same, consistent person ready to help and never shy to express a view or take a position on an issue – it took age and appreciation to understand that about him but his calming demeanour I learnt much from. I have valued his lifelong friendship and association – see you in the next one Julian!

  • Kristina


    Dear Gerard and colleagues of Julian at Australian Aviation,

    I am Kristina, the lucky woman who married Julian and shared the last years with him.

    Firstly let me say thank you for all your condolences and words for Julian. His love for aviation and photography was in his blood. As proof of this, when we were living in Malaga (South Spain), not far from the beach, on a warm, sunny, 30 degree Saturday morning, Julian’s ideal plan for the day would be “let’s go to Malaga airport to take pictures of planes landing and taking off!” This was my Julian. I must admit that the first time this plan was suggested I thought it would be a boring day – I was wrong, I enjoyed it! Julian’s enthusiasm for his passion was infectious!

    I want to say a special thank you to you Gerard Frawley. I know you are a good boss, I have good reports! But I can really confirm you are an amazing friend. Supporting us in those very difficult moments and travelling all the way from Australia to see and be with Julian here in northern Spain gave us a huge strength and comfort.

    Thank you to all of you. I won’t forget your kindness and I know Julian won’t either.

    Mrs Green

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