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Qantas daily Perth-Singapore service ends

written by WOFA | May 12, 2014

VH-EBI departs Perth for Singapore. (Haydn Jones)
VH-EBI departs Perth for Singapore operating the final regular QF77. (Haydn Jones)

When flight QF78 touched down at Perth Airport shortly after 1130pm on Sunday night it represented the end of Qantas’s regularly scheduled international service from the Western Australian capital.

The flight from Singapore – which up to now was Qantas’s sole daily international destination from Perth – has been cut as part of efforts to turn around a massive first half loss.

While Qantas will continue to operate some seasonal Perth-Singapore services, including during the upcoming July school holidays, Sunday’s QF77 to Singapore and the return QF78 were the last of the year-round daily flights to the city-state.

Qantas chief executive Alan Joyce said recently the route was losing money.

“Unfortunately we can’t insulate WA from the need for hard decisions,” Joyce told the Chamber of Commerce and Industry in Western Australia on May 1.

“I recognise that Perth has been affected by the withdrawal of some Qantas international routes – routes that were unprofitable.”

Sunday’s flight, operated by Airbus A330-200 VH-EBI, landed from Singapore at 1136pm.


Passengers looking up flight options on the Qantas website for Perth-Singapore are now offered itineraries through Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane – extending a six-hour journey into a 15-hour one – or direct flights on Jetstar Asia.

The Australian carrier’s other international route from Perth is a seasonal service to Auckland, which will return in December 2014 and operate through to April 2015. It ran for about six weeks over December 2013/January 2014.

Qantas, which pulled out of Perth-Hong Kong and Perth-Tokyo markets in recent years, announced a $235 million loss for the six months to December 31 2013.


  • Michael


    Other than slashing routes and aircraft I still don’t understand what Qantas’ strategy for its international services is. Just slash it all back to a handful of services to and fro SYD and see how we go from there?

  • Kevin


    If Qantas thinks Perth passengers would be looking for flight options on the Qantas website for Perth-Singapore through Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane they are dreaming. The Qantas group are not the only carriers on this route.

  • John Harrison


    Good bye QF77/78 and sorry to see this service go. I’ve use it at lest once a year, and I know friends who also used this service. We never flew in empty aircraft or anywhere near, and that’s in both cabins. Maybe bloody Jetstar could put on a B787 or the AB330’s on this route, then Qantas might get the passengers back. There are
    other carriers on this route, and using better aircraft than AB320’s. Only time will tell I guess.

  • Neale


    A sad day for QF Int’l and for Perth pax who have supported QF until now. Time for BA to extend service from SIN into PER to give us a One World option.

    All part of a bigger plan to reduce QF Int’l to just a couple of international routes on which they can put the 380s. BNE to SIN has been downgraded to 330 with the loss of Premium Economy – presumably, this service will be next for the axe. Thankfully, BA continues to offer Premium Economy from SIN to SYD.

    Pax numbers have fallen off significantly on the SIN routes since QF re-timed the arrival into SIN to mid afternoon in order to connect with Jet into India. The long stopover put off a great many from the transit via SIN to Europe, which presumably plays right into QF/EK hands. Many of us however, prefer the SIN transit to the transit via Dubai, but I guess QF have never thought about asking its customers what they think.

  • Gocat


    Well I tried to support the flying kangaroo having booked my family of 5 on QF 77/78 to celebrate my wifes 40th birthday. Unfortunately Qantas pulled the route giving me two options, go via the east coast or get a refund. Took the refund thanks and am now going with Singapore Airlines.

    Im not sure why we Perthites did not support Qantas as I picked up a fare of $2500 for my family of 5 which was as competitive as the other full service provider. Perhaps airfares of $2500 are not sustainable in covering the higher costs of running an airline out of Australia.

    The other aspect of all this is that Qantas forced my hand to fly with Singapore Airlines to which I will likely experience a superior product from the Asian carrier. I dare say my international support and experience with Qantas has gone forever, sentiment has no place in business. No more falcons, commodores…..global economy my arse. Sorry, starting to rant and rave but its so frustrating watching one Australian icon after the other disappear as we cannot compete on the global market.

  • Anne


    Neale, you are spot on. SIA flies 3 flights a day in and out of BNE, yet Qantas say they are losing money on the route. Yes, it will be gone soon too. I feel for the West Australians .. at least Syd is only an hour from me, not another 4-5 hrs from the west.

  • Paul


    Totally agree Anne, I use SIA out of Brisbane at least 3 times a year. I like the morning flight getting in around 3 in Singapore. We have also flown to London with them on the A380 what a plane. I want to take my daughter on a 747 to Singapore, sounds like I had better hurry. So sad when you turn up at an Australian International airport and Qantas seems tucked away in a corner. I fly Qantas always on domestic routes even if it costs me but internationally its hard they just don’t go there any more.

  • bob


    Why does alan joyce even bother being ceo after all he always says he wants ti build a bigger better qantas? How does he do this by not flying anywhere? EMIRATES CHOSE A GREAT PARTNER DIDNT THEY!

  • John


    Surely Qantas could have substituted a 737 800 for the a330 and maintained a presence on the perth singapore route, not ideal but better than nothing!

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