Air New Zealand has launched a program designed to attract more international conferences to New Zealand.
The airline says its new conference support program aims to grow the number of conference bids won for New Zealand by working in partnership with conference organisers. Air New Zealand says it will support travel to New Zealand for pre-event site inspections, will offer discounted travel rates to New Zealand for conference delegates, and will give preference to applications for the program for events taking place outside of the peak tourist months.
Air New Zealand chief commercial and sales officer Cam Wallace says the meetings and conferences sector is an important one and the airline is focussed on working with the industry to further stimulate growth. “Air New Zealand has been the principal sponsor of the annual Meetings event for several years and this year we have worked with Tourism New Zealand and CINZ to fly in and host more than 120 international buyers from Australia, USA, China, Hong Kong and Japan for this event,” he said. “The Air New Zealand Conference Support Program takes this industry collaboration to the next level and we look forward to working with other New Zealand businesses to help to secure more conferences and attract more delegates to New Zealand.”
Applications for the program open from July 1. Visit www.airnewzealand.co.nz/conference-support for more information.