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Airbus announces 2015 ‘Fly Your Ideas’ challenge

written by WOFA | June 18, 2014

Airbus has launched the 2015 'Fly Your ideas' competition.
Airbus has launched the 2015 ‘Fly Your ideas’ competition.

Airbus has launched the fourth biennial Fly Your Ideas Challenge which is designed to challenge the next generation of students to stretch their imagination and to re-invent the norms associated with air travel today.

The global competition was granted UNESCO patronage in 2012, and offers students an opportunity to work with a team of aviation professionals on real-world challenges, going beyond the aircraft itself. The competition is open to students of all nationalities and all disciplines – from engineering to marketing; science to design.

“Innovation is at the heart of Airbus,” Airbus’ Executive Vice President Engineering Charles Champion told the American Institute for Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) on June 16. “A strong pioneering spirit has made Airbus a leading aircraft manufacturer. Airbus people are driven by a restless desire to find better ways of flying, and this year’s Fly Your Ideas challenge is about delivering just that. Any student with a vision and drive to make their world a better place is invited to enter the competition. We know how to put innovation to work and we will take your ideas seriously.”

Previous Fly Your ideas competitions have attracted entries from more than 11,000 students representing over 600 universities in some 100 countries. The winner from last year, Team Levar, is a group of five design students from the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil, who created an innovative air hockey table inspired air cushion solution for loading and unloading luggage which could reduce the workload of airport baggage handlers.

Registration for Fly Your Ideas 2015 opens in June, and ideas can be submitted from this September. Visit www.airbus-fyi.com for more information.


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