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Airbus commences A350 early long flights

written by WOFA | June 4, 2014
Airbus early long flights are designed to test the aircraft's passenger and cabin crew amenities and systems. (Airbus)
Airbus early long flights are designed to test the aircraft’s passenger and cabin crew amenities and systems. (Airbus)


Airbus has started a series of long test flights of an A350 development aircraft fitted with a cabin and carrying passengers.

The early long flights are designed to test the aircraft’s galleys, lavatories, inflight entertainment and other passenger and cabin crew amenities and systems prior to the entry to service with Qatar Airways of the first A350 later this year. These flights are not part of the A350’s certifications process.

The aircraft – MSN002 – will operate with 250 passengers drawn from Airbus employee ranks, and about 30 cabin experts from Airbus and from various cabin equipment manufacturers.


  • Dane


    How can they carry passengers in a non-certified aircraft?

    • australianaviation.com.au


      They’re not paying passengers and they’re all Airbus employees.

      As journalists we sometimes get an opportunity to fly on ‘experimental’ aircraft before they’ve been certified too.



  • Rodney Marinkovic


    Technical flights are not subject to regular rul. That include when first introduction of new type aircrafts such as A320 in fleet of JETSTAR, or Embrarer of VIRGIN AUSTRALIA, etc. Under CASA/Airline procedure… 10 years ago my self was member of technical cabin flying crew on first fly A320-200 of JETSTAR.
    Regards, Rod. Marinkovic, AME. ret. Sydney /// Kraljevo.

  • random


    The nose profile seems to be remarkably like that of the 787?

    Has something changed in the aerodynamics manual, and is emulation of shape on the A350 the sincerest form of flattery to Boeing designers?

  • B G Price


    I winder if this is over and above route proving flights I expect so.
    It would be good if the flights came to AUS although I expect the white rat would not be interested given their current and maybe future dilemma

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